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Chapter 52

    Chi Jixia:?

    "Will it be?"

    Yi Wan wrapped herself in the quilt and turned around on the bed. His skin is fair, but his eyes are black. His eyes seemed to reflect the shadows of stars in a whole pond.

    Chi Jixia's gaze caught off guard and fell into the star shadow.

    After a while, he turned over and lay on his back looking at the ceiling. He moved his fingers, then smiled lazily and said, "It's not that easy." "


    I tried. Chi Jixia thought silently in her heart.

    "What is dreamed is a dream after all, and no matter how wonderful life is, it is not your own. No matter how happy and omnipotent a person lives in a dream, what he has to face after waking up is reality and himself in reality Is it?" He said, "But of course, if you can have a sweet dream, at least it will have a comforting effect that is better than nothing..."

    Yi Wan: "Oh... Brother Xiaochi, have you received any comedy movies or funny TV dramas recently? Plan?"

    It is best for two people to act together.

    Chi Jixia:?

    Yi Wan: "If not, forget it."

    "Why did you suddenly ask me this question?"

    "I feel that An Yelin is very unhappy." Yi Wan said, then paused, "Forget it, let's go to bed early Right."

    Chi Jixia: "?"

    "What's going on?" He asked inexplicably.

    "It's just that I suddenly discovered that compared to the healing of the spiritual world, the preparation of the physical world is also very important..." Yi Wan said as if talking to himself, "Go to bed early, Brother Xiaochi." After speaking, he closed the

    computer The mobile phone with astronomical figures displayed on the monitor, and hid it under the pillow.

    Yi Wan fell asleep, but Chi Jixia couldn't. He stared at the ceiling suspiciously, thinking about the reason for Yi Wan's question.

    For some reason, he suddenly had a very weird and unreasonable feeling that he was almost used as a warm tool.

    He trembled, and decided to use his golden finger to penetrate into a sand sculpture drama he acted in while the moon was dark and the wind was high, so as to recover the touched nerves.


    "Good morning!"

    "Good morning, five brothers~"

    The live broadcast room, which had been blacked out for one night, appeared again, and the next day's live broadcast started on time. The scene was fixed in the living room of Hongtuan's dormitory, but fans could still hear the noisy voices of several artists.

    "Ding Biehan, are you in the toilet again? You are the one who goes to the toilet the most in the whole group... Hey, is there blood on the paper in this wastebasket?" "You read it wrong, Chi Jixia

    . For those who stay in bed until the end, stop talking nonsense, I heard your voice talking in your sleep last night... Also, that copper coin sword belongs to me, put it down." "Bo Jiang, how dare you wake up so

    early I'm reading..."

    "Don't touch my ancient books with wet hands."

    "An Yelin, you called... Huh? Did you not sleep well? Still thinking about composing?" "

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