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Third person p.o.v

Jimin and bam is looking for tae from the passed half an hour.
'Where is he ' bam ask worriedly
'Come let's search that side also' bam nodded and they both left from there.

'Bam' he turn around to look at the person.seeing jackson and his friends he confusedly raise his eyebrow.
'Sorry' bam sighed and said to jack
'Jack say sorry to tae not to me' he tightly press his lips and nodded.
'Where is he?'
'We don't know. After that he suddenly disappear god knows where he is' bam said worriedly
'Call him' irene said
'We tried but h' his words cut off by Jimin
'Guys look at there' he said shockingly with wide eyes. All look at him confused and look at the direction where he is pointing. Seeing the seen infront of them their eyes almost bulging out of their socket and jaw almost touching the ground.

Meanwhile with taekook

Tae can hear Kook's heart beat. The heart beat is Calming music for Tae. He just close his eyes and stay a little while in his kookie arm's. Did he just mentioned jk has his? Hmmmm
He feel safe in his arm's... So protected... So peace and all after a while he back away with head low while bitting his lips.

'Sorry' he whisper
'Huh? For what? Jk ask softly with a small smile and heart eyes
'For hugging you without your permission' he said and look at jk. Only to see he is looking at him like a whipped person. Indeed he is. They didn't try to break the eye contact. both are lost into each other. Tae can see in jk eyes that how much he loves him. Jk is mesmerised by tae beauty, his deep ocean eyes, his bread cheeks they are call him to bit them, his perfect nose with a cute mole, his perfect jaw line and last his kissable juicy red lips only for him to kiss the hell out them. He gulp at the thought of kissing that lips. He clear his throat and look away from them. Other side tae saw it how kook eye is looking at his all features and how kook look and gulp at his lips. He blushed, HE FUNCKING BLUSHED for that.

'Did u said something?' He asked after cursing himself for good time
'Ya... I'm sorry For hugging you without your permission'
' it's ok no prblm ' he said with a little smile adore in his face. Tae also smile at him. A small smile. That only take jk to give his infamous bunny smile to tae. Who look at him with mixed feelings.
' ok then I'm going bye' he suddenly feel embarassed. He rub his nape and turn around to go and he once again cursed him for doing weird things infront of tae. Tae smiled at the disappearing figure of Jungkook then he also left from there with unknown emotions in his heart.

'What just happened? ' Baekyun ask dumbfounded
' who knows' Irene said after coming from the shocking sight

'Why tae hug Jungkook? Ik hugging someone is not a crime but..tae' his words cut off by jimin
' bam relax' he sighed and continued
' you need to know something ' he said witg seriousness in his voice knowing the seriousness he nodded to jimin like continue and like that he said abt taekook.

' that's why i react like that to him' jack said sighing to bam who is now standing dumbfounded.

' chim... Tae how can he say like that ? He asked shockingly
'Bam we can't blame him bcz it was his decision, his life' bam nodded understanding.
' bam plz don't ask abt this to tae'
' no, i will not' he smiled at jimin who  return back

'Why he need to go to him again and again? We warn him na then also he do that' Wendy said angryly

'How can he go to him who hurt him badly, who broke him million pieces' Baekyun said

Hyuk chuckle and said 'guys you all are missing something here... That he loves him, he still loves him, he always love him only him. that's why he go and calm him down. That time he didn't even thought abt how Taehyung rejected him, how he hurted him with his harshful words, how he ignore him when he craved for his one glance, how he broke him million pieces. but he didn't even thought abt a single things. That time maybe no not maybe he only thought abt "he is crying. my love is crying i need to do something "   that is his love. His love is pure and true' he said with a small smile in his lips and look at his friends, jimn and bam who smile sadly

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