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Third person p.o.v

'Rowdy baby' suga rub his forehead and look at his boyfriend who is coming to him smiling bright.

'Why are you calling me that weird name jimin' he asked getting irritate. Jimin roll his eyes and come to suga and put his hands around his arm.

' i like to call you that' he replied ' but i didn't like it' suga said.
'That's not my problem ' he roll his eyes. suga look at him disbelief.

'Why are you here?' Suga asked to jimin who is glaring him now. He looked confuse. 'What?'
'Now I'm your boyfriend, why are you repeating the same question even after i become your boyfriend?' Suga shocked to hear that.

'I didn't ask like that '
'Then like what you ask?' Jimin snap at him. Suga look so done with jimin.
'Nothing it just slip from my tongue' he fake smile at him and stopped, don't want to argue for stupid reason. Jimin huffed and look away. Suga shook his head.

'Yoongi~~~ ' he call him soft sweet voice. Suga melt at that.
' i love it when you call me this. Can't you call me like this other than with that werid names' he said and make faces.

'No need i love to call you that weird name it's so sweet, so cute' jimin said while pinching suga cheeks. Suga roll his eyes.

'Yoongi ' he whine and call him 'what ' he asked not interested face.
'I want chocolate shake ' he said with pout. 'You want?' He nodded.
'Then come' he nodded with bright smile suga chuckle at that and both left to cafeteria holding each other arms.

Suga brought him chocolate shake who take it with wide eye smile. Suga smile at his boyfriend smile. He loved when his boyfriend smile like that.

'Suga ' a voice that their moment. They both turned to that voice and saw Seniors. Kai wave at suga like come here. Suga and jimin left to them.

'We guess that you will be with jimin when we didn't saw you' suga smiled and sit beside him jimin while sippping his chocolate shake.

'Jimin don't you have class now?' jimin stopped his sip and replied to mark
' i skipped it'
'Why?... I through you don't have class now' suga asked

'It was physics class Mr park's. It was so boring, so i skipped' he said and began to sip. Suga looked at him disbelief.
'You look like, you didn't skip any classes ' he sassy. Suga roll his eyes. other's tried not to laugh.

Then they talk random things. Some are talking with yoonmin some are scrolling through social media.
'Jimin ' jimin look at chenyol. Others also look at him when he suddenly call jimin

'You said na your brother stopped his Playboy thing' he is asking in mocking tone. jimin nodded with confused face. 'Then what is this?' He show his Mobile phone, there was jk post. Jimin roll his eyes and look at chenyol.he was going to replied but...

'Your are fool who trust him blindly when he said he stopped all. Now look? He is not going to stop this ' suga said.
'Yoongi he is your future brother-in-law so stop with your kids fight' suga roll his eyes.

'And he is now in relationship a serious one' he said the last world stiffened. Others roll their eyes
'No way' it was hobi

'It's true, i know You will find it a little hard to believe but it's the Truth ' he said with fake smile. ' and... Did anybody see he post anyone pic when he was Playboy?' All stay silent. Jimin get the answer in their silent so he give tight smile and sip his chocolate shake.

Juniors, tae, bam, lisa and other students are attending the maths cls.
The Juniors are on the last bench expect jk and jackson. Jk and jack on the second last bench with tae and bam. Bam and tae on the centre of the bench other two on the end. Jack on window side jk on the other side. Junior girls are with lisa and rose bench. They are now in good terms with lisa they do smile at rose she return it back with nervous one. They only talk to lisa when she is alone. Lisa didn't tell this to her bestfriend about Juniors, she hide it from her bcz she know if she tell her she will definitely tell to hobi and it will make a big problem so she hide it from her.

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