Chapter 3

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Lagos, Nigeria

Yazeed Malumfashi.

He fixed the hand of his blue kaftan, putting on more perfume, he looked around the room that the groomsmen were in, they booked a big VIP Suite for themselves, so they can relax and do everything freely without been disturbed.

His friend Mukhtar was getting married, they had being friends with Mukhtar for how long? he couldn't even remember, first of all he couldn't even believe that the Mukhtar he knew was getting married.

Fatima and Mukhtar had known each other for quite a while as well, they both hated each other's guts and were always fighting.

Mukhtar grew up in England, so he was not exactly the easiest to deal with, and Fatima hated how he carried himself, she felt he was too proud and he thought she was too local. No one could have imagined that they had something going on, but here they are today, on their way to the dinner party.

"Are you guys done? I don't want to get my ears cut off, " Mukhtar groaned, he was clad in a white gezna and Babbar riga which was screaming everything rich, he definitely looked delicious and takeaway.

"Yes, Ango were done" Safwan teased, he was also one of their best friends, he was the youngest of them all, the international playboy, he knew how to pull every lady he wanted, and get her to fall hard for him without even trying.

Then there's, Sauban, The nerd, he was not a big fan of Crowds and ladies so it was a whole lot of work to convince him to come to the dinner party, but after they finally convinced him they still had to take his clothes to the tailor last minute because he said he couldn't go there it might be crowded, true to his words the place was a little bit crowded, so after they took it there they had to wait for the tailor to finish sewing everything before they finally left, it was around 12Am when they came back home.

"Let's go, we go in the first car, Sauban and Faruk can go in the second car" Safwan stated.

Sauban turned around to glare at Safwan,
"Why don't you go in the second car?"

Yea....they don't really get along.

Safwan opened his mouth to retaliate, but was cut off by Mukhtar,
"Guys, really? We are going to do this now? We have a damn dinner to get to in 10 minutes!" He looked between the two of them.

They both muttered a sorry and walked away, not before glaring at each other.

Mukhtar and I sighed together, and I gave him a pat on his back which he returned before we walked to where the car was parked.

The whole drive to the venue was really quite, the atmosphere was awkward, even though we should have gotten used to the bickering between Sauban and Safwan, we still haven't, hence why it becomes awkward every time they have one.

"Shit. We are so late." Mukhtar complained as he got out of the car, my face soured at the word, I hate cussing.

But still, he was right, the place was parked, so we were likely to get a scolding because of this, we did our best to arrive early honestly, some things were just not wiling to be putted in their place.

We walked to where Fatima and her friends car was, and when Mukhtar opened the door and made an attempt to enter the car, I pulled him back instantly glaring at him.

Some of our friends around us whistled, teasing him about how he couldn't wait.

He rolled his eyes and glared at back at me,
"What the hell dude?"

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