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Messiah POV
3 days later

I hopped out the car goin to the backseat to get Tana and her bag.

I walked up to Sincere's door knockin and a minute later Se'Kani bitch ass opened it muggin me.

He just walked off leavin the door open and I walked in kickin it closed.

"Sin! Yo bitch ass baby daddy here"!

I wasn't even finna do him like that in front of these kids.

He walked off to the kitchen and Sin, Ren, and Mari came down into the living room.

"Sissy! Hi Siah".


Sin grabbed her out my arms and stepped back.


I just ignored her sittin Tana duffle bag on the couch.

I looked over seein Mari just standin there.

She smiled and waved since Se'Kani told her she couldn't speak to me.

I wasn't bothered by it but why the hell you puttin a kid in this shit.

I returned the gesture then kissed Santana all over her face.

"I'll see you next weekend mama, love you".

I told her then waved the kids bye before headin back to my car.


I pulled up to Zero crib grabbin my speaker and pre rolled blunts before headin in.

They all greeted me and I gave them a head nod headin straight to the bathroom to have a lil smoke session.

It's not that I ain't like bein around them cus I do, they make me forget about the crazy shit I did these past three years.

But sometimes I just need to sit and deal wit it by myself.

I closed the door and grabbed the lil chair from the vanity Bam made Zero install for her and sat down kickin my feet up.

I connected my speaker shufflin my smoke playlist and lit my blunt.

I sat back closin my eyes and let the smoke relax me.

I sat there for like 5 minutes before I heard a knock on the door but chose to ignore it.

I hit my blunt again hearin the door open and close but I ain't open my eyes cus I ain't wanna be bothered.

"Do you need to talk to somebody? I'm a good listener".

Journey asked and I just turned the volume up hopin she'll go away.

My music stopped completely and I scrunched my brows muggin her.

"The fuck out, damn"

I reached for my phone to unpause my music but she snatched it up before I could.

"I'm not gon force you to talk cus you obviously don't know me but at least tell me if you ok".

"Since I met you this all you do, and the only time you speak is when you threaten somebody so imma ask you, are you ok"?

"Get out".

"Are you ok"?

She repeated and I only continued to mug her.

"Ok, I'll get out and leave you alone for the rest of the day, and buy you food. Only if you answer".

"So, are you ok"?

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