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"I know you're there Tristan."

I remained as still as a statue. As if that would dim my father's senses.

I was hoping that he wouldn't notice me at first. That I would have enough time to gather my thoughts before I had to face him.

"Come in Tristan." He spoke again.

I sucked in a deep breath before stepping foot into the room.

It was exactly the same but completely unrecognisable at the same time.

The bed unmade, clothes strewn all over, files and paper all over the floor... and her absence, it was heavier than ever.

I closed the door behind me.

My father sat on the floor, he wore an unbuttoned shirt and boxer shorts.

His hand gripped an alcohol bottle and his head hang down with his overgrown hair forming a curtain around his face.

I didn't know how to look at him anymore. Was I supposed to be sad or disgusted?

"Yes my son?"

He looked nothing like the man who had the right to call me that.

I tucked my hands behind my back.

I didn't know why I was wearing my uniform in my own house.

Maybe I just wanted him to look at me and be reminded that life was happening out there.

That the war was going on. That I was way to young to even be wearing this.

"Status report." I cleared my voice. "Our troops are advancing on Layton, Brax has gotten a few hits, some soldiers are -"

"Stop it." He slurred his words.

I sucked in another breath. "Our soldiers are badly -"

"Stop it!" He snapped. The bottle slipped out of his hands onto the floor.

I watched as the liquid spilt out staining the carpet.

"Damn it." He muttered as he pushed himself onto his feet, stumbling slightly.

"I don't want to hear that." He murmured as he stumbled over to the bed, collapsing short of the mattress.

I sighed.

I walked over and took his arm, using it to support him as I lifted him onto the bed.

"Umpf." He let out a breath when he landed.

I watched as he shut his eyes and placed his hand on his stomach.

He looked... empty.

I knelt down before the bed and took his hand in mine.

"Dad..." I watched him open his eyes and just stare at the ceiling. "Enough of this. We need you to snap out of it. I need you."

He looked at me, his eyes empty. I couldn't even tell if he could recognise me.

"Joshua and Mikey are scared, dad. They haven't seen you in three days because Anita is scared to send them up here. The pack is scared. We're all mourning mum and we're fighting a war and - dad, everyone is wondering where you are. Captain Park and I can't keep covering for you."

His head rolled to look back at the ceiling.

"Cut off the head." He murmured.

I shut my eyes and opened them again.

I let go of his hand and stood to my feet.

"Dad," I spoke in a firmer and harshertone, making sure all my words were clear and loud. "You have to get up, you're the alpha. We need you."

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