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"We need an opening." I spoke as I continued trying to twist the chains that bound my feet.

Meggy let out a long groan as she hit her head against the stone wall which looked like it should have hurt but she didn't even touch.

She turned to look at me.

"You need a reality check."

I let out a huff. I had been exerting myself trying to find a way to get these chains off but I knew I might just finish the little energy the food they had given me had supplied.

And I would need that for Ornyx.

The wolfsbane was still in my system but I definitely felt way better... stronger too. Not at my best but enough to be able to pick a fight and hopefully win it.

"You said it yourself, there's no getting out of here. So why don't we go out with purpose?" I told her.

She let out a breath and looked away.

I didn't think convincing Meggy would be easy but we were both sitting here awaiting death.

She was a fighter, I could tell that much. And like me, she had nothing to lose. So I didn't get why she was making me work so damn hard for this.

"I never thought I'd see the day I would team up with a Silvercrest wolf. Much less their alpha."

I tried to hide my relief but clearly I failed miserably.

"Ornyx needs someone to take him down a notch. I still think this is a suicide plan but I owe it to my family to try. What'd you got?" She asked me.

I sat up straighter or as straight as I could with a renewed motivation.

"My battle to the death with Roman is up soon. We need to get out of these chains before the guards come and get me and I know you haven't been sharpening that rock for nothing." I spoke nodding at the object she had been clutching since we got in here.

It became obvious with all the scratching that she hadn't been doing it to count the time we were in here but to forge a weapon.

Meggy held on more tightly to it as if I may snatch it.

"It's never going to work." She spoke. "Even if we take out the guards who come to fetch you, we'll be overwhelmed once we get out there. We need you in that ring with David. Ornyx will want a front row seat so he'll be accessible, that I'm sure of."

She was right. I would have way more people to fight if I attacked beforehand.

"So I'm going to have to take out Ro-David quickly."

"You'll have to go for the kill." Meggy spoke. "No showboating or stalling, you'll need to be ruthless. Like a real Shadow pack wolf."

I clenched my jaw. If there's something I never wanted to be, it was that.

But I needed to fight fire with fire.

And that meant doing as the Van Cliffe's did.

"David is still a halfling. He isn't as strong as a full fledged wolf. Use that." She urged me.

I nodded. Then something occurred to me. "You're a halfling too."

She had no definite scent. Her and the wolves that attacked the second time, none of them did really.

"None of Ornyx spies were full fledged." She explained. "We were bred. Human mothers, Shadow pack fathers. It was the perfect way to have us infiltrate other packs."

I couldn't hide my disgust.

"I thought Ornyx hated humans. How did -"

"The women never knew anything. They were paid to be surrogates. You'd be surprised by the things they do for money." Meggy spoke sounding more than unimpressed. "When we would be born, they would hand us over... and never look back."

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