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I winced and let out a yell as my mother helped me settle down.

I shut my eyes hard trying not to think about the pain shooting through my arm right now but it's kind of hard to ignore a fire when you're the one getting burnt.

I was back in my tent, sitting upright on the sleeping bag.

I looked up at her.

My eyes were blood shot but at least I had stopped crying.

So much for being tough and defiant but who wouldn't burst into tears after literally getting their bone snapped in two.

I know I was healing.

The medics had realigned the bone. Well, as best as they could anyway. It's not like they had any x-ray guidance.

As per Ornyx's orders, I wasn't afforded any pain killers or really anything else that would help.

So I sat in excruciating pain as my mother watched me.

She looked pained. As if seeing me like this was hurting her as well.

But that's the thing. It wasn't. She wasn't the one going through any of this. And if she really cared. She wouldn't let it happen.

She knelt in front of me and placed her hand on my knee.

"It will be over soon." She whispered.

I gave her a hard look.

She frowned. "Sweetie, the pain? It's only temporary. After this, you'll be stronger, Ornyx will-"

"Leave. Me. Alone." I spoke through gritted teeth.

My mother looked taken aback.

She reached out to touch my face. "Crystal."

I pulled away from her hold.

She dropped her hand, her face dropping.

"You're not my mother. I don't know who you are." I spoke.

I didn't know what to expect.

Maybe her to fight for me? Prove that she was real. That she had been real and all this was just pretend.

But all she did was get to her feet.

"After all this. You will be stronger. And you'll thank me." She spoke in a low voice before turning to leave.

I felt the tears escape my eyes. I thought I was done but I guess not.

I stared at the dagger on the ground in front of me.

How the hell was I going to get out of this?

I must have dozed off because when I woke up I saw Roman in front of me.

He was sitting on the ground across from me.

The dagger was in his hand. He fiddled with it studying it with interest.

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