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Kerrigans POV:

As I lean against a wall it was sunny day with a nice breeze once the breeze stops clouds of dark smoke cover a window Infront of me I look around to see a beautiful pink hat in my hands I was apparently working on I look around it was a hat shop the slight chatter of girls on the other side of my work room I hear knock and look towards my door and jump a little by the sudden noise

Worker: Kerrigan..?

I nod questioningly 'she looks familiar and this hat the scenery-.. Where am I..?'

Worker: we just closed the shop you've done enough work... Why don't you come out with us this time..?

I smile and shake my head slightly

Me: no thank you! I need finish this anyways... You ladies go and have fun..!

'I need to know how I got here'

Worker: alright suit yourself...

I nod and she exits the doorframe as I continue to work on the pinkish red hat 'this is so weird and familiar-..'

Worker: let's go girls!

I look back at the girls who were exiting the place

Girl 1: wait for me..!

Girl 2: do I look ok??

Girl 3: look it's Howl's castle!

My eyes widened at the name 'Howl?!'

Girl 2: where??

Girl 4: HOWL-!?

I stop what I'm doing and when the smoke finally subsides I look out the window with wide eyes seeing a giant metal creature walking near the outskirts of the town 'it can't be... I'm in howls moving castle!' I thought and look down at my hat continuing to work on it their chat continues on as I look for a small fake flower to pin the the hat when their gone I finally pick a flower and pin it to the hat only for the dark smoke to cloud my window again I sigh and work with the light I have continuing to fix up the hat until it's done and I look through another stack of hats selecting burgundy hat I take in a breathe and sigh deeply and get off of my rear dusting off my apron taking it off then place it near my hat 'I wonder if author put me here...' it's simple like me and I like it like that I grab the hat and exit the store placing the hat on my head I head to the mirror and smile but it doesn't last long as I pull the hat on my head lower so it covers my eyes I walked out onto the street and cling on to a handle of the bus as it moves down the cobble road after a quick ride I got off I was going to visit Lettie my sister at her bakery 'I've always wanted a sister and now that I have one it feels strange like I miss Alexander..!' I thought as walked into an alleyway I guess you could say Sophie the actual main character wasn't fond of big crowds like the one surrounding the soldiers who were going to war soon I look to my right and keep going only to end up closer to the crowd of people than I wanted I look down at the paper in my hands and looked around deciding to continue straight I continue walking until I come across

Me: huh-?

Younger guard: hey..! Looks like a little mouse lost it's way...

'oh great it's the guards who flirted with Sophie!'

Me: oh no-.. I'm not lost..!

I want to walk away but he and another approaching guard block my path

Younger guard: this mouse looks thirsty! We should take her for a cup of tea...

Me: no thanks my sisters expecting me..!

I say looking down only to have the older one look closer at me making me scrunch my face a little 'disgusting old perv...' I thought

Older guard: she pretty cute for a mouse-..

Younger guard: how old are you anyway?? Do you live around here..?

Me: l-leave me alone!

I say backing away from them a little

Younger guard: ya see??

He says chuckling

Younger guard: your mustache scares all the girls!

Older guard: so..? I think she's even cuter when she's scared...

Howl: there you are sweetheart I'm sorry I'm late! I was looking everywhere for you..!

I soft voice says from behind me and a hand was placed on my shoulder I look up to see a man with beautiful pale blonde hair and gorgeous baby blue eyes 'Howl...' I thought

Younger guard: hey we're kinda busy here-..

Howl: are you really..? Cause to me it looks like the two of you were just leaving...

He says and lifts his hand from my shoulder his arm still pressed against my back firmly and the guards stand up straight he points his finger to the side and the march past us on my right I look at them then back up at my savior he was definitely taller than me he places his hand on my shoulder once again

Howl: don't hold it against them their actually not so bad so where you headed to?? I'll be your escort this evening..!

Me: oh I'm-.. just going to the bakery...

Howl: don't get alarmed but I'm being followed..! Act normal!

He whispered as he removes his arm from my back gently as his hand from my shoulder and places out his arm towards me bent at a certain angle and as said 'am I going to be involved in this scene really?!' I grab onto his arm my anxiety rising greatly 'how am I supposes to act normal if he's being followed...?!' As we walk down the path at an easy and steady pace I hear noises behind us from out of the blue I look behind me as he whispers

Howl: sorry looks like your involved..!

Me: huh-!?

I almost ask to loudly but it turns into more of a breath than an actual word I look ahead to see some sort of black monsters with hats Infront of us coming out of the walls I grab onto his arm even tighter than I already was

Howl: this way...

He says and we turn a corner only to have those blob like creatures follow after us and more form infront of us

Howl: hold on..!

He says and grabs my waist making us wumo into mid air

Howl: now straight your legs and start walking...

'gos this must've been how Sophie felt when Howl took her into flight it's exciting!'

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