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Kerrigans POV:

As I walk up the stairs I see a chair just there infront of the fire pit so I take a seat and sigh in relief then see the fire was extremely low I stand up again and put two more logs onto the fire

Me: when I think castle I didn't think it would be this messy...

I say to myself and look around all the dust and grime along with cobwebs tables desks and other places filled with books or dirty dishes and silverware

Me: well something nice about getting old is nothing frightens you..!

I say and start to relax in the chair I sat in still staring at the fire Infront of me when I see a pair of eyes appear in the medium sized flame I was already dozing off

Calcifer: I don't envy you lady that is one bad curse!

I started to wake up but only a little

Calcifer: curses are tough and your gonna have a rough time gettin' rid of this one on ya currently...

My eyes slightly widened

Me: the fire spoke..!

I mumble

Calcifer: let me guess the curse won't allow you to talk about it right?

Me: are you Howl..?

Calcifer: no I'm an extremely powerful fire demon named Calcifer!! I just like to do that once in a while...

He says and the fire grows a little bigger I sat up looking him in the eye

Me: a fire demon-.. Well then you can break my curse can't you..?

Calcifer: maybe, maybe not listen if you find a way to break the spell that's on me I'll break the spell that's on you! You got it??

Me: if your a demon how do you know I can trust you you promise to help me if I help you..?

Calcifer: ehh-.. I dunno lady demons don't make promises...

Me: then go find someone else..!

I said leaning back in the chair again

Calcifer: come on you should feel sorry for me! This spell keeps me stuck in this castle and Howl treats me like I'm his slave and it burns me up! You gotta keep the water hot the rooms warm the guest room not cone on have you ever tried to move a castle?!

I started to feel a little sleepy again

Calcifer: listen if you can break this thing that's with Howl then you can break my spell..! After that I can easily break the spell that's on you!

Me: alright... It's a deal..!

I say finally asleep after those last few words

When she wakes up

I woke you my neck aching terribly and a loud banging on the door I open my eyes and sit up popping my neck in the process I hear footsteps and look to the stairs case to see feet and quickly lean back in the chair again snoring quite loudly

Markl: hey-.. Who's this lady?

Calcifer: porthaven door...

Markl: how'd she get in here..?

I hear rustling and look towards the small orange haired boy grab a dark blue cloak and a sudden beard grew on his face

Markl: stand by.

He said in a deep voice and switched the door handle

Markl: Mr. Mayor good day..!

Mayor: good afternoon sir would the great wizard Jenkins be home??

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