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Kerrigans POV:

I was covering myself with a blanket not wanting to go out of my room knowing what I look like a banging sound come form my door

Honey: Kerrigan-!

Me: go away mother I have a bad cold I don't want you to catch it..!

Honey: Kerrigan you sound Gastly-.. Like some 90 year old woman...

Me: I'm just gonna stay in bed for the day..! So you go on!

Honey: well-.. if you insist...

I sigh and uncover myself with the blanket getting up from the bed

Me: up we go..!

Walk up towards my small mirror that hung in my room

Me: this isn't so bad now is it your still in good shape Kerrigan no injuries what so ever! But I can't stay here like this for long...

I tell myself honestly it felt crazy but comforting doing this like Sophie did I get dressed in a periwinkle blue dress and a red shawl a good sized cloth in my hand I go to the kitchen as quietly as possible and grab some bread and cheese from the cabinets

Me: this'll do!

I hum approvingly and waited to walk on the bridge when the train passes by smoke fills my lungs making me cough

Young boy: excuse me-? Could you use some help??

Me: no I'm fine thank you though..!

I went into town forming a farmer with a stack in his cart and two horses tied to the front

Old farmer: sure there's room in the back but where are you headed?

Me: just a little way past where your headed...

I rode on the back of the cart and when it stopped I started walking towards the wastes

Young farmer: it's crazy if you do this grandma! There's nothing but witches and wizards if you go out there..!

Me: I know that but thank you...

Young farmers wife: what is she doing?

Young farmer: she says she's looking for her younger sister..!

I pant softly as I walk the mountain soon finding a place to rest I ate some bread with a slice of cheese on it I look at the city it was smaller but I still had a long journey before I would never see it again I look to my left seeing a large stick hanging out of a bush 'hey isn't that Turnip heads branch?' I thought and finish eating standing up I walk towards it and start to push down on the branch

Me: this is one stubborn branch..!

I mumble and push down even rougher

Me: well your not getting the best of this old lady!

I mumble again soon it turns right side up

Me: it's just a scare crow...

I get a good look at his smiling form and say

Me: your heads a Turnip..! I never liked Turnips ever since I was little! Oh well at least your not upside down now... So long..!

I say and start making my way up the mountain again

Me: it's so cold-.. And I can still see the town I've barely moved...

I say looking behind but also seeing turnip head from earlier hopping towards me

Me: go away quit following me there's no need to thank me you don't owe me a thing! I'm sure you have a spell on you and I've had more than enough with magic and spells so go find some field and stand in it..!

I shout making him stop I turn around and keep going he quickly caught up with me and drops something that sticks up on the ground it was a cane a creepy one mind you but a cane none the less I grab onto it and say

Me: thank you this is just what I needed it if you can do me another little favor of finding me a place to sleep I'd really appreciate it...

I smile and he quickly turns around already hopping away

Me: heheheh he's really sweet for a scare crow..!

I had gotten a little farther up the mountain now that I had this cane I heard a noise and look up into the sky

Me: a battle ship-..

A strong and fast cold wind blows past me making me stumble slightly

Me: why does it get so cold when your old...?! I'm fatter than ever yet the wind still blows right through me!

I say and continue to walk up the mountain until I stop and sit down

Me: I'll never make it like this...

I mumble only to hear a few hairs and grunts of metal approach me I see Turnip head and Howl's castle approaching me

Me: you Turnip head that's Howl's Castle!

I shout while standing up

Me: that's is not what I meant when I said a place to sleep!!

Then the castle stopped moving and let out huge puffs of steam 'and they call this a castle...' I think and suddenly the castle starts moving again he starts hopping again looking at a door

Me: oh-?! Is that the way in..?

I rush towards the door and grab onto the railing jump up onto the stone pavement under the door

Me: oh my shawl!

Turnip head immediately hops right after it I look at the door slowly opening it I look back to see Turnip head returned

Me: it's nice and warm in here I'm going in-! Oh my shawl-!

I grab it from him

Me: thank you Turnip head you were really kind even if your not my favorite vegetable thank you!

I say and enter through the door

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