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Kerrigans POV:

I sat straight up as I heard water running and went to tie my hair

Me: Calcifer! Is Howl home??

Calcifer: yeah and he's using up all my hot water again..!

Calcifer said sounding annoyed I go upstairs and wake up Markl and we go outside

Markl: I don't know why we're doing this... Master Howl hardly eats anything anyways!

Me: to bad..!

Elderly man: good morning!

Me: good morning..!

I say and we make our way towards the market near by

Me: don't you love early morning markets?? And look at the water! I've never seen the ocean before it's so beautiful..!

Markl: it always looks like that.

Once we make it there I instantly look for the vegetables and get some potatoes into the basket

Markl: hmm... I hate potatoes..!

Me: pay up!

I say and he gives the man the money

Me: thanks have a nice day..!

Young farmer: thank you come again!

I nod and we go towards the fish

Old fisherman: all out dish were freshly caught this morning..!

He says as I pick one up by its mouth

Markl: I hate fish...

Suddenly there's a lot of chatter and people rushing past us

Old fisherman: what happened-?! Sorry lady we're closed!

We look towards the water to see a ship on fire

Markl: come on Kerrigan let's get a better look..!

Me: no I've seen as much as I can take! Let's go home Markl-!

I freeze when I see the familiar blob man from the witch of the waste

Me: that's one of witch of the wastes Henchmen don't move..!

Markl: huh-? Where?!

Me: shh! He's only standing a few feet from us..!

We look towarads the blob like man until he leaves

Me: he's gone... I don't understand how no one else saw him!

Suddenly three bombs were dropped in the water everyone looking up and pointing at the sky

Markl: look up there Kerrigan it's the enemies airship!!

I look to Markl his hood was down and he was pointing at a large silver colored ship in the sky I run past the crowed of people Markl chasing after me

Markl: Kerrigan! Wait up-! Kerrigan!!

He says we enter the house again I lean against the wall panting heavily

Markl: Kerrigan are you ok?

We walk up the stairs and Markl takes the basket into the small kitchen

Me: I just need some water...

Markl: ok I'll get it..!

Once I sit down I instantly hear a yell from upstairs and then I see Howl on top of the stairs his hair was bright orange

Howl: Kerrigan! You-! You sabotaged me!!

He shouted the rushes to me as I stand and shoves his hair into my face

Howl: look! Look what you've done to my hair!! Look-!

Me: what a pretty color!

Howl: it's hideous!! You completely ruined my magic potion in the bathroom!

Me: I just organized things Howl-! Nothing's ruined!

Howl: wrong, wrong..! I specifically ordered you not to get carried away!

He then started to cry

Howl: and now I'm repulsive... I can't nt live like this..!

Me: come on it's not that bad...

He continues to cry as his hair changes from a dark purple to midnight black

Me: you should look at it now this shade is even better..!

Howl: I give up. I see no point of living if I can't be beautiful...

The house rumbles and dark shadows fill the walls

Calcifer: Howl cut it out. Howl come on stop-!

Markl: he's calling the spirits of darkness... I saw him do this once before when a girl dumped him..!

Me: now howl your alright...

I say and walk closer

Me: well just dye your hair back again ok..?

I touch his back only for green slime to collect on my hand I see it now oozing from his whole body and step back past Markl

Me: fine you think you've got it so bad?! I've never been beautiful once in my life! I've had enough of this place!

I shout and run outside of the the door into the pouring rain stopping at the edge of the grass and start crying when suddenly I can't feel the rain on me anymore I look up to see Turnip head holding an umbrella over me

Me: thank you Turnip head... How did you get to be so kind..?

Markl then rushes twiards me and grabs my sleeve

Markl: Kerrigan you have to get back inside we need your help Howl in trouble!

Me and Markl walk in to see the slime oozing onto the fire place towards Calcifer

Calcifer: Howl cut it out already I'm gonna drown-! Bleh..! I'm drowning here howl-! Kerrigan! Kerrigan help him please..!

I smile at him as his head rests on the edge of the fireplace

Me: such drama...

Markl: is he dead..?

Me: no he's just being a big baby help me get him into another bath won't you Markl?

Markl: Ok..!

We push the chair over towards the stairs and I help howl up the stairs Markl rushes ahead

Me: get the hot water running..!

I shout

Markl: right!

Markl shouted back

Me: come on Howl you can still walk-..

I say but I'm interrupted by something hitting the floor I look back and see his towel deciding to just keep looking up as I drag him towards the bathroom

Me: get him cleaned up Markl!

Markl: I will..!

He says and I close the door swing the slimy mess and sigh

Me: now I have to mop again...

After mopping

The sun was now setting and I decided to visit Howl in his room I knock on his door

Me: Howl I'm coming in..!

I say and open the door and approach the side of his bed

Me: I brought you a glass of warm milk want a sip?

He slowly shakes his head

Me: I'll leave it right here then please drink it before either gets cold..!

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