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3rd person POV:

Elizabeth walks past the palace gates and suddenly her blob men started to deform

Elizabeth: what on earth is wrong with you two?

Announcer 1: sorry ma'am!! Vehicles are prohibited beyond this point you must continue on foot!

Elizabeth: that Suliman..! Using her magic so she can force me to climb all those god forsaken stairs...

Kerrigans POV:

Me and the dog have finally passed the palace gates and into the court yard

Me: come on Howl we can do this! Just act natural..!

I climb the stairs much easier than the witch beside me only to hear a small growl I look behind me and see the dog resting his head on the first step

Me oh-..

I go back and pick him up from under his arms

Me: ugh... Howl..! Why are you so heavy?

I pass up the witch and hear her say

Elizabeth: wait..! Help-.. I can't make it...

She says

Me: what did you say..? You suddenly remember how to break the spell put on me?

I ask looking back at her in hopes she'll change me back

Elizabeth: I told you already... I don't know how..!

Me: then start studying!

I say and continue to climb the stairs

Elizabeth: I don't get it... Where does she get all that energy..?

I heard her say and got even farther ahead of her I put the dog down and look behind me

Me: why don't you just give up? Your killing yourself..!

Elizabeth: I've waited... For 50 years to be invited here..! Ever since that Suliman-! Banished me to live in the wastes!

Me: we'll good luck then... To bad I'm not younger or I'd give you a hand..!

I say and quietly call to the dog next to me

Elizabeth: you cold hearted old hag! Next time I see you I'll turn you into a senile to..!

She says and I pick up the dog climbing the stairs yet again until I reach the top

Me: your almost there-!

Butler 1: honored guest please follow me.

Me: you should go help her get up these stairs..!

Butler 1: sorry ma'am but I am strictly forbidden to offer such assistance.

Me: but that's so rude..! The king himself had invited her here... Come on let's go! Don't give up now..! Are you witch or not?!

Elizabeth: just shut up...

She says finally reaching the top

Me: what happened to you? You look so much older..!

We are now entering the palace

Announcer 2: Mrs. Pendragon and the witch of the wastes!

Me: pull yourself together you've waited for this for so long didn't you..?

Announcer 2: Mrs. Pendragon and the witch of the waste!

The announcer repeats

Elizabeth: your Mrs. Pendragon? Why does that name sound so familiar...

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