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Midday Tokyo in blistering heat wasn't an ideal way to spend the day, yet Akira still trekked through the bustling avenues of Shinjuku. He was in Kabukichō to no one's surprise, his destination not far out but feeling miles away without wheels. It wasn't all too bad though- the Yakuza had been extra generous in getting his bike in for an urgent repair and a spray paint, as well as a new number plate.

Instead of a blaring red, his bike was now more fitting to the colour of his dragon and the new nickname Yoru had been given over Tokyo Bay - BLACK HURRICANE. Akira was as chuffed as one could imagine, but unfortunately he wouldn't have his almost brand new wheels until this evening. For now he just had to carry on to his destination on foot.

The Hanazono-Jinja shrine was one of his favorite places in the city. He'd always thought it was just because his grandmother took him here on their way home from the markets every Sunday morning. As he started coming here alone, he realized it was more than that. The sense of calm that washed over him everytime he stepped foot in the grounds was immense, a place he himself could experience some momentary peace, outside of his high-octane lifestyle.

It was busier than normal, but being midday on a Saturday afternoon came with the downfalls that more people would be crawling the wards. A lot of younger families and older couples seemed to be in today's mix, Akira watched everyone like a hawk as he silently swept through the crowds.

As he passed through the shrine's iconic red totii gate, that overwhelming feeling came to greet and ease him. Maybe it was because the shrine acted as a calm in the middle of the storm that is Shinjuku, serenity hard to find in such a bustling environment. Inside the shrine grounds itself it wasn't busy at all, except for the party of entertainers he could see not far ahead, all coming here for the same reason as him.

The shrine was dedicated to Inari Okami- goddess/god of trade and worldly success. Many entertainers, singers, actors and more all came to this shrine to pray before their performances. Akira was here for the same reason, to pray for his own success in this new period of his life. As silly as it sounded to criminals especially, Akira had nearly run out of luck in these past few years. He needed to try and guarantee more success in his life, praying to gods who'd maybe grant his wish was nothing but a drop in the ocean in his world.

Akira didn't hang around for long, once he felt the time was right he got up to take his leave. The shrine was filling up a bit more now, people everywhere as he walked out the main shrine that overlooked the grounds, hard stone stairs hot under his feet.

Akira took one deep breath, then another.

Something wasn't right.

Being an information broker, thief, criminal at large and Yakuza accomplice meant one thing- he knew when he was being watched.

He couldn't pinpoint exactly where he was being stalked from, but the perpetrator wasn't far off. His mind began questioning- how long had they been following him? Where exactly had he been followed from? Was his current hotel home compromised? He made a mental note to book a new reservation somewhere out of town, trying to walk as casually as possible down the stone stairs.

Maybe he should act like a tourist- enough people were taking photos around the shrine after all. Akira didn't have time to panic, he took out his phone and called the top number on his contact list.

"Akira, I'm at work" Milo Lee was his American-Korean friend who he'd met back at school, after he dropped out the pair had surprisingly kept in touch. Milo was straightforward, hardworking, a missing man who had no real home anymore. Both Akira and Milo were practically two sides of the same coin- sharing broken homes and a criminal lifestyle- as Milo was a full time hacker for a Chiba based Yazuka group. Milo was one of the few reliable people in Akira's life.

"I'm calling in a favor" Akira didn't hesitate but lowered his voice as he spoke.

"You're being followed?" Akira could hear the clicks of this keyboard over the speaker, this man was more of a maniac than himself.

"How'd you know?" A stupid question on Akira's part, confirmed by Milo laughing at him.

"Firstly, I'm tracking your location. Secondly you never ring me, or anyone for that matter, unless you're in the shit" Milo huffed, talking erupting in the background and doors banging. He knew he shouldn't have called during work hours, but Milo did owe him after all.

"I can't pinpoint them" Akira carried on walking slowly, watching his surroundings for any prying eyes.

"And you shouldn't be discussing this on the phone to me. If you can't see who's following you who's to know if they're right behind you or not?" Milo was right, this was a stupid move but Akira had no other choice. The police and DRA were after a man named the Joyrider. With other information brokers across Tokyo and undercover officers it wasn't an impossible feat to find out who Akira actually was. Some people would argue it was a matter of time in fact, but Akira would rather die trying to live free than give in and surrender to the law.

"I've got them, there's a man in all black and a white hoodie, around your height. He's followed you from around a street away from the shrine. He should still be there, he didn't follow you into the actual shrine building" Milo was fast, too fast for some. Akira thanked him before hanging up, his target now a description and mind eased slightly that he hadn't been followed from his temporary home.

But then Akira felt the presence again.

As he walked towards the main Torii gate, Akira couldn't help but feel this was all too convenient. A male fitting the exact description Milo had given him minutes ago walked from his left hand side. His eyes and face were obviously covered, his hood over his hair and mask upon his face. Akira was better through- he could see the mess of blond hair underneath, the military grade boots on his feet, wires from an earpiece peeking from under the white of his hoodie.

He wasn't an ordinary person who'd potentially wanted Akira's wallet. No, this man had followed him for a reason.

Akira however didn't stop, he continued walking at a his normal pace all the way onto the Main Street. He couldn't compromise his position by looking caught out, hopefully carrying on as normal had convinced the male following him this was the case.

But as Akira slowly turned around, the male had long gone, leaving Akira standing on his own in a midst of confusion.

chapter 7, end.
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