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  "I still don't know who did it. Anyway, some of our next season's new products have already been completed. We were supposed to wait for the announcement later. www.ruxueshu.com" The next day, I just saw two people in the

company. Shu Shu hurried over immediately and handed some sorted documents to Jiang Sixian.

"Here are the leaked finished pictures, and there are a few scraps that are no longer used. I don't know why they were taken out." An

emergency recovery was carried out last night and contacted for destruction. It was done by other people in the management team. Yes, Jiang Sixian was not asked to visit the company in person. It stands to reason that this matter is neither big nor small. After all, it is not a particularly important secret, and one of them even has a teaser photo released. What a big deal.

But Jiang Sixian was still unhappy:

"Have you found out the source of the leak? Is it someone inside the company, or was it a hacker?" "I

asked the IT department to check. It's a hacker, but I'm not sure about the IP, and I don't know if it's inside the company. The people in the room are eating inside and out."

Shu Shu frowned, she had dealt with it in a timely manner when she found out yesterday, and it didn't make a big fuss, but it still made a small trending search, and there were already many questioning or sympathy under Qingxian That's right, no matter what, some of the new product plans to be launched this season may be cancelled.

It seems that some have been completely spoiled, and it is absolutely impossible to be the main model at that time. The main model brings people a sense of surprise. Once this is lost, the attractiveness of people will drop by more than half.

"Could it be Wang Qinglu?"

Jing Ye asked casually.

Wang Qinglu is the vice minister who went home before.

"The probability is not high, but I don't rule out anyone's suspicion."

Jiang Sixian shook her head, and then went upstairs to find the head of the IT department.

These matters are not under Jing Ye's control, she is in charge of the jewelry design department, and she can just wait for the results to come out and listen to the notification, but there is still a fire in her heart.

The time for this listing was originally relatively generous, but after being engaged in this way, it is definitely necessary to create a new solution now. Fortunately, it was only the jewels that were leaked this time, and Jing Ye had a backup plan, which was a good habit she had developed in the previous world.

It is definitely too late to make a whole new set, but the backup plan needs to be modified before it can be finalized. Jing Ye's share is stored in her private computer, which is encrypted layer by layer. Fortunately, I haven't told everyone about it at the beginning.

News soon came from the IT department that Jing Ye held an emergency meeting and decided to fill in his backup plan in a short time, but in this way, publicity might become a problem.

Qingxian's publicity model is similar to that of other companies outside. They warm up first, release the concept of the new product step by step, dismantle the teaser picture, and then invite someone to speak for it or host the live broadcast.

In the era of the entire flow, although quality is very important, marketing is also important.

If the marketing is not in place, the value of the product will also be discounted.

The jewelry department was in a hurry, but the publicity department was as anxious as them, and they were under a lot of pressure at this time. Especially now that we have to solve the problem of new product leaks, the whole company is tense.

But Jiang Sixian is indeed a person who has seen the storm, she did not lose her temper and anger others because of this incident, but commanded calmly.

After experiencing the previous wavering, people in this company have greatly increased their trust in Jiang Sixian, and they all carry out Jiang Sixian's instructions seriously.

The jewelry department began to plan a new plan, the public relations department issued a message to appease the mood, and other personnel still performed their duties.

And when Jing Ye retrieved the backup plan from his computer, the eyes of the few people in the department who were still sighing were all brightened.

For them, this is tantamount to sending charcoal in a timely manner. Even if it is not a finished draft, it only takes a short time to complete. They don't need to expend too much energy to fill.

Because of Jing Ye's move, they can at least save more than half of their time and energy. Although they still need to work overtime, there is no need to waste a lot of time.

However, Jing Ye instructed these people not to disclose this matter to the public. The jewelry department does not have too much contact with other departments every day, and no one can guess what they are busy with. Make design changes.

Jing Ye only told Jiang Sixian about this.

In fact, she still has one finished product, which was completed a long time ago, and it can be used as the main style with a little modification. Can't guarantee.

Perhaps in the past, she would have assured that there would be no traitors among those who got along so well with her, but after experiencing the incident with Liao Shishi, Jing Ye would still be wary of most of the people around her.

After the incident in the orphanage ended, Jing Ye never contacted Liao Shishi. She and Jiang Sixian had a make-up wedding. Liao Shishi found out and sent her blessings by email. Jing Ye only saw it a few days later, but she had read it and hadn't replied.

She used to regard Liao Shishi as a good friend from the bottom of her heart, so she was even more at a loss when the other party betrayed her. Although Liao Shishi did not have many bad intentions, for her, there was only a difference between zero and one betrayal.

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