Chapter 11

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Author's Note: I am SOOO sorry for the long wait! I SWEAR it won't happen again! I've had major exams and no time to write. Luckily, the school year is almost over, and I'll be writing a lot more. Again, very sorry! This is dedicated to bazinga_lover. Thanks for being my 100TH FOLLOWER! :D How should we celebrate? I feel obligated to do something special, whether it's writing an exclusive chapter from the point of view of someone else, or uploading two chapters this week, or something? Comment a suggestion and I'll do one of them, whichever I like best or the most people suggest :) Enjoy!

I look ahead as the blue, crystal water comes closer and closer.

The Professor, Carly, Tigris, and I all scream at once. The car begins turning in the air, flipping and turning all around. Gunshots are heard from above, firing at the car, but they miss. We jerk around, slamming into the car walls and hitting our heads on the roof, screaming the entire time. Five seconds feels like an eternity, and I close my eyes and brace for impact.

The car slams into the river, jarring everyone. The seat belt snaps under the pressure and I go flying into the Professor's seat, nearly snapping my neck. I moan and look up. Both Carly's and the Professor's airbags have opened up, and they both look as if they got hit by a bus. Tigris, who was stupid enough to not wear a seat belt, looks the worst out of all of us. She has a huge, purple bruise smack in the middle of her forehead from where her head hit the roof.

I look outside the window, which is strangely intact after getting shot at and then falling off a bridge. Outside, I see a beautiful, amazing sight that takes my breath away. Carly gasps when she sees it, and even Tigris can't help but marvel. Our car is now sinking to the bottom of the river, but nobody really minds it right now.

Out of the windows, we can see everything clearly. The crystal blue water looks as if it's glowing. The rays of light bend around us in waves, giving us a sight to see. It looks like something from a movie. Aquatic life swims around us, fish of all colors and sizes, some big, some small, some vicious, some friendly. Below, a large, coral reef homes thousands of animals of all sorts. It's just beautiful.

I press my face against the glass to get a better view. It's strangely peaceful down here, and somehow, the water stays out of the car. It's so quiet, the opposite of the Capitol above. And our car rocks with the current, peacefully and slowly swaying side to side, like a lullaby mothers use to hush their babies to a dreamy sleep.

We stay silent for a full minute, just watching the fish swim by. The car slowly falls, and when it hits the sand at the bottom of the river with a thud, we're jerked back to reality. I shake my head and look at the others. They're examining the car.

"How are we still dry?" asks Tigris, back to her senses. I suddenly realize what she means.

"I made sure we grabbed a car with underwater compatibility," replies the Professor. He then opens up a panel next to him and begins fidgeting with the buttons. "As long as nobody opens the windows, we'll stay dry.... Aha!" He finds what he's looking for and then switches a switch, and the car begins fidgeting. I rock back and forth while the car shakes violently, and the Professor yells at us to hold on. Then, it just stops.

As if by magic, motors on the car begin spinning and the car takes off through the water. I gasp as the car speeds away through the water. Fumbling with the switches again, the Professor finally hits something and the car gives a little shake. He slowly takes his hands off the steering wheel, then sighs.

"Auto drive always does the trick," he says while resting back in his seat.

"Where are we going now?" I ask. My stomach rumbles.

"The river should carry us downstream, all the way to the border of the Capitol. I'm not sure what will be there for us when we get there, possibly a gate, maybe a dam, but we'll know when we get there." He closes his eyes and relaxes in his seat. "For now, all we can do is rest."

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