Chapter 13

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Author's Note: ZAC + CARLY = ZARLY. I SHIP IT. Sorry for the delayed chapter, but here you go! This is an epic chapter if I must say so. I hope you like it! The next chapter should be ready by Sunday. I have some stuff I have to do, but I'll try and upload. I might even upload sooner than that! Dedicated to love_street_328. Thanks for fanning!

(Remember: If you want a chapter dedicated to you, then make sure to fan me!)

"What do we do now?" asks Tigris, panicking. 

"We need to call someone," I respond. But the Professor shoots down that idea immediately.

"We don't have any cell phones, Zac. Everything got destroyed in the river. Even in the Capitol, we don't have water proof phones."

"So what do we do?"

"We continue as planned," commands the Professor, suddenly standing up tall and pufifng out his chest. "We get to the border and cross it, then head for District 13."

"Wait, do any of us even know how to get to District 13?" I ask.

"Well... no..." stutters the Professor. I sigh.

"Wait, will this help?" asks Carly, who begins rummaging through her backpack. Finally, she pulls out a large rolled-up map, safely sealed in water-proof plastic. "I grabbed it on the way out of Rhett's house, just in case."

"Carly, that's genius!" exclaims the Professor. Carly takes out the map and unrolls it on the ground. It's a large, old map of Panem, showing the Capitol surrounded by twelve districts. 

"Professor?" asks Tigris.


"There's only twelve districts here."

"Precisely," says the Professor, leaning over the map. "The Capitol would never put District 13 on a map. Do you know why? Because it would attract to many eager tourists. And you know what they would find? Nothing. They wouldn't find any ruins at all. So of course they wouldn't label District 13 on a map."

"Then how are we supposed to find it?"

"Give me a moment..." sighs the Professor, examining the map. Curious, I glance at it. On the map, most of the land is occupied by the districts, as well as the Capitol. Little space is between them, but not enough to fit a district. The Capitol lies a little bit to the West of the map, along with Districts 1, 3, 7, and 2, with 7 being the largest of all, and lying up to the Northwest. Near the center of Panem lie 5, 8, 9, and 10, and 4 way down south by the sea. Finally, 11, 6, and 12 lie off to the east, with five large lakes to the top of it. Hmm...

I think back to what my teachers used to tell me about District 13. I remember them telling me it was an average sized district, roughly the same size as District 12. I look over the map several times, still not seeing anything. I glance over at the lakes one more time, but nothing catches my eye.

Then I see it.

A large, black, bolded line signals the border of Panem. It goes across the Western ocean, then down south and merges with the District 4 border, then it runs North across the Eastern ocean, past the top of the five large lakes, and then goes along with the District 7 border. Not enough space lies in between for a whole district to fit there. But up North, by the lakes, the border of Panem takes an unusual twist to the North, past the lakes, where a fair size of unclaimed land sits there. Then, the border merges with District 7. This must be where District 13 is.

"Here it is!" I exclaim excitedly.

"Look, right here," I explain, pointing to the five lakes. "You see how the border twists up right here, leaving a whole lot of land unclaimed to the North of these five lakes? Well, this has to be where 13 is. There's nowhere else within the borders to fit it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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