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Rosalinda's POV

-5 years later-

"Mommy!" I heard a little voice say.

I looked down and saw my three year old daughter, Marisol.

"Hey baby!" I said.

"I want juiwce!" She exclaimed.

For some reason she can't say juice. It's so adorable!

After the ball, everything started going into place. Jake is my guard, and was able to find his second chance mate! Her name is Jocelyn. She's super pretty! Her mate died a couple years back, so Jake has her all to himself. A week after they found each other, they mated! They came out pregnant and now have a three year old son, Tony! i was so happy for then!

Then I got pregnant around the same time as Jocelyn but with twins this time!

I had a boy and a girl, Brandon and Marisol.

Me and Micheal were soo excited when we found out.

"Honey, I'm home!!" Yelled Micheal.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I grabbed a sippy cup and filled it with apple juice and handed it to Marisol just as Micheal walked in.

"Hey babe." He said walking over to me.

"Hey." I replied while pecking his lips.

"How's my baby girl?"

"She's doing pretty good." I said while placing a hand on my bulging belly.

Yes, I'm pregnant. Again. We're having a girl this time.

Micheal placed a hand on my hand and smiled at me.

"Oh babe. Remember that Jake and Jocelyn and David and Julissa are coming over in a little bit" I said.

He nodded.

David had met Julissa at the ball and they are madly in love and married. Julissa's mate had apparently rejected her and she was depressed, but David was there to help her. Julissa knows about what happned between me and David, and she's fine with it. She knows I'm happy with Micheal. Me and David have gotten closer and we act like brother and sister. Him and Micheal are cool also.

As for Brittnay, she's still in the dungeon. I tried talking to her but we refuses to apologize. Well, sucks for her. She knows that if she apologizes sincerely I would probably release her. But she's so damn stubborn.


"Oh well, I guess they're here. Go get the door babe." I told Micheal.

He groaned but he did as I asked. I so have him wrapped around my finger. Even Jocelyn and Julissa have their mans wrapped around their finger.

"Heard that!" Yelled Micheal from the door.

Oops. Oh yea. I also gave Micheal some of my powers, which include mind reading.

"Heard what?" Said Jake coming through the door with Jocelyn trailing behind with Tony. Behind them was David and Julissa.

"That us girls have you guys wrapped around our finger. " I smirked at them.

"Not you guys dont!" Defended David.

-Lets test it?- I mind linked to the girls. Jake and David can't hear what we're saying because I finally mastered the way to block them. They haven't yet.

-Oh Yea!- they responded and we smirked at each other.

"Why are you guys looking at each other like that?" Asked a nervous Jake.

"Hey Davy. Can you get my bag from the car. I forgot it." Said Julissa fluttering her eyelashes at him.

He didn't hesitate and ran outside to grab her bag.

"He's whipped." Said Julissa and we bursted out laughing.

"So. It doesn't mean we are." Said Jake.

"Hey babe. Can you please go and feed Tony. I'm exhausted and I haven't been feeling good.. I'll meet you in the living room." Said Jocelyn.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Asked a worried Jake while grabbing Tony.

She nodded "Just take Tony. I'll be right there."

He nodded and walked over to the living room.

"Well, looks like I'm the only man in this groups." Said Micheal.

I smirked. That's what you think.

"Babe. Can you please carry me to the living room?" I asked Micheal.

He shook his head, "I know what you're doing."

I quivered my lip, "you don't love me huh?" I looked down.

"No. No. I love you babe. Come here. I'll carry you a thousand miles if I have to." He said panicking.

I sniffed and he carried me over to the living room and placed me on the couch gently with Julissa and Jocelyn right behind us.

"Are you okay babe? I didn't mean to upset you. Do you want anything?" Said Micheal.

I nodded slowly, "can you get me a milkshake from McDonalds?"

He nodded and ran out the door.

Us girls looked at each other and bursted out laughing. These guys are whipped.

After we calmed down, I heard Bianca say,

"Hey mommy."

"Hey sweetheart." I replied.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked.

"We are laughing because the boys will do anything for us. You'll get what I mean when you're older." I explained.

"Yea, when you're 40." Said Micheal walking back in with a McDonalds bag in his hand and David walking next to him.

I kissed Bianca's cheek, "now go play with your brothers and sisters!"

She nodded her head, "okay mommy."

She ran off and Micheal handed me the bag. I squealed when I opened it to find my Mcflurry.

Micheal chuckled then sat by me. The other guys did the same with their girls.

"See, you guys are whipped." I said placing the ice cream in my mouth.

"Shut up." Grumbled Micheal.

The girls laughed.

The rest of the day we just goofed off. We acted as if we were high schoolers again. We had a barbecue and talked about everything. Our children were playing in the sandbox and were having the time of their life.

I looked at Micheal and he was grilling some meat. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Who would of thought that I would get rejected by my mate, become Alpha of the strongest pack, have a new mate, become Queen of The Supernatural World, be married to the man of my dreams, and have 6 kids with one on the way. I got to say my life is pretty dang perfect...


There! It's officially over! *tear* hope you liked it!! Should I make a sequel? And if I do, who should it be about? The triplets discovering their powers, David and Julissa's life together, Jake and Jocelyn's life together, or continue with Micheal and Rosalinda's life? Tell me!! :) bye for now!!

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