15 | brutal

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Finn's P.O.V:

I paced around the room after I received the call from the police station, they had just questioned me why Wren went missing right after calling my number. 

I tried to play it off by saying that I didn't know, and I thought it was a prank call that day, but I'm sure that there's still suspicions about me.

I guess his parents finally noticed him. I sat down, and exhaled deeply trying to slow my breathing, and calm down.

Bentley and Theo had been okay with the kid, and the other's had come out of their rooms for a while. Spencer had let guilt eat him up, while I wasn't even talking to Xavier.

"Finney, what's wrong?" Wren asked looking up from his toys. I walked over to tussle his hair, and smile. I didn't want him to worry.

I shook my head, "Nothing, just nervous, want to go get some ice cream from downstairs?" I asked, and he nodded, running up to me, hands out, motioning for me to carry him. 

I wrapped a arm around him and carried him downstairs to the fridge. "What flavor do you want?" 

He put his hand on his cheek and though for a minute. "Chocolate!" he shouted a minute later.

 I chuckled as I sat him down on a stool and went to go get some bowls.

I gave him his precise three scoops placed horizontally only, and he just stared at it. 

"What's wrong?"I probed.

He raised his eyebrow, not sure where he learned that, I don't think 6 year olds have much facial capability. "No whipped cream?" he asked. I sighed before getting some out of the fridge, and handing it to him.

He stared at me, "It's not magic, put it on top." I rolled my eyes, and sprayed it onto of his ice cream. 

"Eat." I said, exhausted. 

"Where's the chocolate sauce?" He asked.

"It's literally chocolate ice cream." I deadpanned.

But the freak of nature continued, "So? I want more chocolate, please!" he said pouting.

I put my hands up in the air, out of defeat. "Okay you win, here's the sauce." I said drizzling it onto of the whipped cream. 

Florence walked in. "Where's the fucking sprinkles?" she said horrified, at the sight of the food.

I went to the pantry, and threw the sprinkles at her. "THERE, did you get enough now?" I screeched sarcastically.

Wren and Florence looked at each other and laughed, she just met him and they're already teaming up against me. I fake pouted, and stole Wren's ice cream and starting eat it in front of his face.

He instantly stopped, and pouted. Why do kids pout so much.

"Not funny now, is it?" I said as I put the empty bowl into the sink. 

He started bawling, and kicking the floor, Florence glared at me. "Finn?" she reprimanded. 

I sighed, and got out the tub from the freezer.


Wren fell asleep soon after devouring the tub, I'm guessing it was from the sugar crash. I filled Flor in on what happened with him, and she instantly grew protective. 

"Don't worry about the police, he's safer here than he was before. Bentley can figure something out. " she comforted. 

I nodded. "Yeah, but the thing is everyone has been tense since you left." She winced and mouthed 'sorry'. "It's not your fault, I'm just confused." I said.

She nodded, "Yeah, I know, maybe we should start digging around about his parents." I shook my head, and looked over to Wren.

"No, I couldn't ask him that. He's just starting to become a kid again, you know, like open up and let his guard down. I want to make sure he's okay first.".

 Florence smiled at my admiringly. "You would be a great dad, Finn." I ran my fingers through my hair seductively, "Yeah, I know." she laughed hitting my arm. 

Her phone vibrated, and she checked it. "Oh, I gotta go, Jer's back." I nodded, "Want me to drive you there?" I asked her. 

She shook her head, smiling, she seemed rushed almost. 

"No it's fine, I got to go." she said grabbing her things, and walking swiftly towards the elevator. 

I stopped her, "Is everything alright?", she took a deep breath, and exhaled. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I've just been nervous all day for no reason, hormones, you know?" she replied. I nodded like I understood, but I sort of didn't.

"Alright, bye, Flor." 

"Bye, Finn, I love you." she said sounding a little sad. 

The elevator doors, closed, leaving me to stare at my reflection on the doors.

"I love you too, tesoro." 

 Maybe she was just overwhelmed. I tried not to think too much of it, as I fell asleep.


Florence's P.O.V:

I got in my car, and starting racing to the extraction point. I found a stash of money, where the anonymous message said I would. 

Under Jersey's favorite car, was a bunker that had safes, one containing millions of dollars. I drove to an abandoned building, and stepped out carrying the safe. 

'Walk to the back, and you'll see an open door, go inside, and place the safe down.' the message from my phone binged.

I walked inside the old, unlit building. "Hello? I'm putting it down right here, okay.", I placed it on the floor, and turned around to walk back unsteadily, as there was so response. 

All I wanted was for them to give Jersey back.

As I got to the door-frame, I heard shuffling behind me, and the sound of the safe moving. I turned around, to come face to face, with someone dressed in all black. 

I tried to run, and scream, but my instincts were half a second too slow. They had already grabbed my neck, and starting choking me with a cloth. It smelled disgusting, like it was infused with something.

Before my vision started to blur, the last thing I remember was the person's hot breath down my neck, my body starting shutting down from the lack of air, but I heard the words that were spoken.

"Shhhh." and I blanked out.


authors note: omg so a cute chapter!! jk, anyways any thoughts on why this is happening?

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