16 | comatose

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I groaned against something cold. My head was pounding, I could barely think. I opened my eyes and only saw darkness. The room was unlit, so there was nothing to see.

I waited for what seemed like hours, but exhaustion ruined my consciousness. I could barely keep my eyes awake, this was until the light randomly switched on.

I looked around the room. It was windowless, and had several cells. There was no switches in my sight, so I was guessing the light came from outside.

There was a door at the far left, and someone is the cell next to me. It was Ezra, he was gagged and looked unconscious. I snaked my leg through the wide cell gap and nudged him awake.

He looked startled for a minute, he started breathing heavy and talking muffled-ly through the gag, when he turned to me, and visibly relaxed.

I tried to move over to his side, so I could undo his gag, but was stopped by my cuffs. I tried wiggling my hands out but there was no use. My wrists were already red from the pressure.

Because the room had no windows or doors that showed the outside world, I was stuck with no perception of time. My stomach growled in hunger, probably meaning it had been a bit since my last meal.

I tried to form words, my throat felt dry, and hoarse. It took a couple of tries to form a clear word, but I did.

"Ezra." I said quietly, almost as if I had said it to no one. I heard his hair move against the wall he was laying up against. I turned to face him.

"Just nod or shake your head, okay" I said trying not to shiver because of the cold.

He nodded.

"Are the people keeping us here, I mean do they, or are they going to hurt us?" I asked in fear. Before he could answer, the lights were turned off.


Unknown P.O.V :

I turned the light off before he could answer the question to her. The door opened and in walked my second-in command. "Father." He acknowledged.

I gave him a look waiting for him to go on, "I found a tape, one particular hostage might find interesting." I raised my eyebrow as he opened his laptop, and turned to me.

I clicked play.

What I saw, made me revel in digust. But, I knew I could use to this my benefit.

Everything has a purpose, you just have to find the right use. The right potential.

It just so happened that a girl had everything I was looking for.

"Perfect, I'll enjoy showing this to her." I cast a proud look at my son. At least one of them turned out alright, I thought.


Florence's P.O.V

Again after a few freezing hours, the door had opened, and the light had turned on.

I looked over to Ezra, he was back to being unconscious.

A well polished looking man walked in, followed by several armed men. He pulled a seat in front of my cell, and dusted it, and sat down.

He sighed, it was meant to sound dissatisfied but it came off as fulfilled. He smiled at me, and I looked at his face trying to memorize.

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