19 | friday

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Florence's P.O.V:

"Adrien I can't, please." I begged him. If I let go, I knew that he would let it crush me, but my arms and shoulder felt like they were on fire, an I couldn't hold it up anymore.

He looked up from his book, "One final rep, Grey."

I grunted as I finally got the bar back onto the hook, and fell to the floor in exhaustion.

Adrien got up and patted my back, "Good job, two months of training and your already benching 250." he congratulated me.

"Well he threat of dying sort of does that to you." I laughed awkwardly as he frowned.

"Training is over, you can go." he said nonchalantly and walked out of the weight-room.

I checked my watch, it was Friday. Which meant that it was time for a fight. The warden would organize weekly fights to keep everyone on their toes. We were picked randomly based on age and weight class, but I started growing to love fight days.

With every hit I took at my opponent, it reminded me of how I was going to get out of here. I wanted to go back more than anything, but I needed to be trusted enough to let go, so I was forced to fight and entertain.

When I arrived I found Layla setting up for the fight, wrapping tape around her wrist, she felt a slight sprain earlier this week so she didn't want to compete and risk injuring herself.

"Who am I fighting today, Cruz?" I asked her, while taking a sip from her water.

She shrugged and looked at a chart she had in a duffel bag, "Uhm, you got moved up." I froze, I didn't know what this meant. I was doing well in my own class, I didn't need to be moved up. 

Layla must've sensed my panic, because she put her hand on my arm and squeezed. "Don't worry, you're a good fighter. You'll be perfectly fine, Florence." she handed the chart to me and I looked at who it was.

'Florence Gray vs Daisy Tompkins'

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I paced. I was confident, but I knew my place. I'm not sure if I was even going to survive this. She was pure brawn, insane strength, and skills. I was decently muscular, but she was on another level, my progress in these months wouldn't even matter in a fight.

The last fight of hers I saw made me hurl. Everyone went home that night feeling sick. I knew they did, the looks on people's faces when she struck that poor girls neck so hard it snapped. Hearing her screams begging her to stop pounding her... I put my hands on my head, and took in deep breaths trying to calm myself.

She stopped breathing a minute or two later, Daisy, however was in smiles, relishing every strike of pain she inflicted.  I was wary around her and people like her around here. 

Adrien walked in and I knew by the look on his face that he found out about the fight. He grabbed my head, and looked me in the eyes, "Don't fucking worry, it's a fight, she's stronger but you're smarter, okay." he said slightly hitting the side of my head. I nodded, as Layla wrapped her arms around me and ran her fingers through my hair.

"Don't worry, Florence." I nodded as I quickly wiped tears from my face. 

No matter what I heard, I still felt that endless pit forming at the bottom of my stomach. For the second time since coming here, I felt genuine fear.


3 weeks ago...

Theo's P.O.V:

"France." I restated the location to my special unit's leader, Elias, and the rest of the operation team.

Some of them looked confused as to why she would be in a different continent while other's knowingly. "It's the fucking French mafia that took her, isn't it?" one of the men said annoyed, I nodded agreeing with his discontent. 

"Who else would stoop so low?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We've already discussed the plan, we have 4 weeks time, she isn't being hurt and she's okay for now, that's all the inside source gave us. We have to be swift, and take any who surrender with us. The goal is to bring my sister home, no matter the cost, the fight, or anything that happens. She will come home." I concluding the brief.

This unit, I could trust with my heart. They've been with me since I was young, and haven't failed me once. They weren't going to fail to bring my sister back.

Back home to us.


author's note: this was a filler to get y'all caught up, and so the other chapters can fall into play. thank you for your support.

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