21 | bodies

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trigger warning: death and i suggest listening to "the end of the world" by billie eilish it fit's the theme, i don't listen to her, but it's a sad song so like hehehehe

Xavier's P.O.V:

I exhaled and blew my nose, dropping the tissue into the trash can before trying again. I used my index finger and my thumb to keep my eye open as I squeezed and waited for the drop to go in. After I felt the cool liquid hit my eye I did the same on the other one, and shut them closed waiting for it to settle.

I opened my eyes at looked at myself in the mirror, the grubble on my jaw was starting to grow, and my face appeared more bony. The rest of my looked sunken as well, I had lost a bit of weight, and my muscles looked less 'pumped'.

I grabbed a razor, and starting shaving the hair on my chin, and cleaned the hair out of my sink before washing my face. I had to look a little more presentable, or else Bentley wouldn't agree with this.

I walked down into the office where Theo and Bentley were planning how they were going to execute the details of the plan, they were going to France tomorrow to bring her home.

Bentley turned to Theo, and passed him some files to look at, "We're going to have to do another briefing.". I cleared my throat and they both looked up at me.

Theo started, "Xavier. I didn't notice you, we were busy-" I stopped him. I knew how maddening it was to not be able to find your sister, even with several mafia's on the look-out. But that's not what I cared about.

"I want in."

Bentley looked annoyed, "I told you already-"

"No." I glared at him.

"I want in on the mission. Just give me the chance." I didn't let my voice break, but I could feel it tightening. "I have to have the chance to apologize." I restated more firmly looking into their eyes.

Bentley started again, "It's not a normal fight, it's dangerous Xavier. You don't know what they're capable of." I held my gaze at him, before turning to a calculating Theo and issuing my plea again. "Please." I said, and he nodded slowly.

"Okay." he said hesitantly, "But on one condition." he said just as I was about to turn to leave. "You have to quit drinking and go to rehab, no matter the outcome of what happens tomorrow." I nodded eagerly in agreement.

We both knew that we didn't know what we were going to see there, but we had to hope. We had to have hope for Florence.


Florence's P.O.V:

I smiled at the footage of Ezra in his apartment, releasing a sigh of relief. The Don had held up his side of the deal, giving him a safe place to stay. We weren't allowed to communicate, but I got footage of him every month to know that he was okay.

The Don said we had to go to England where the target was, so we flew out yesterday.

I looked back at the Don, "He's a drug dealer, correct?" He nodded. The only reason I was going through with this was because I knew firsthand what dealers could do. They were like a fungi, it keeps growing and sickening it's victims. Like they did to Ezra, it wasn't going to be hard to kill someone who did things like this for money, knowing others would pay the price.

The car stopped in the alley, "Here it is, the apartment number is 108. I'll talk to you over your ear-piece." I nodded stepping out into the darkness of the night, looking around for any people before heading up the stairs through the apartment's side door.

Quietly, I busted the door and found no one at first. Then I heard a smell coming from a room in the back, I tried not to cough and awake anyone in the apartment. I walked over the the closet where the door has half open, and almost jumped back in horror. There was a body, it was reeking , must've been several months old judging by the look of it. There was a camera he had hung over his neck.

Photographer? The Don obviously wouldn't have sent my to kill a dead photographer, so I kept moving down to the back. I was hit with different stench, this time mixed with the smell of drugs. I opened the door to find some man laying on the floor, head down. His blond hair looked so much like mine it gave me chills. I went back and explored the apartment before finding nothing, I sighed and before I was about to walk out I realized something.

My heart sank as I thought of his blond hair, I looked around the apartment, and realized it looked eerily familiar.  The smell of the bodies reached my nose again, as I felt my body chill with fear.

I knew it wasn't, but I needed to see to make sure.

I walked back into the room, and looked at the body laying on the floor. His hair looked like mine, exactly like mine. Exactly like Ezra's.

I didn't know whether to move or not, so I stood there convincing myself it wasn't him. My ear-piece buzzed, indicating it was turned on.

"Turn him over." I walked over and did as he told, avoiding looking at his face.

"Look at him."

I whispered shakily under my breath.


He said again, "Look at him."

I already knew before even seeing him, I finally looked down at his face as he lay on the cold floor, breathless.

I put his head on my lap, and screamed in pain. My body felt so drained, and all I could do was shed tears. I ran my fingers through his hair, and traced the hardened lines of his face. All I could think about was that I couldn't bring him back.

The smell of his decomposing body was unbearable, but I was in too much shock to do anything. There dried blood on his shirt, and a gunshot wound on his chest.

I shook with sobs as I realized I would never hold him this way while alive again.

I didn't get to say goodbye, I didn't get to talk to him. All I wanted was to talk to him.

I held his shoulders, and looked at the state of him. It only broke me more, he had been left here by himself for months.

"I shot him as soon as I knew, Florence." he said walking into the room, and staring us. He looked at the wall and sighed, "I knew you weren't going to hold your end of the deal. You wanted to escape, even after all I've done." I shook my head, no.

He glared at me, "Tell me the truth." he said. He walked to me and pulled my hair back so I could be face-to-face with him.  "This is what happens when there is no trust. You have to trust me." he said, gently letting my hair go.

"You are never going to see the Cruz's again. Don't you think for a second that I didn't know you plotted to leave." he shouted as I held Ezra's body closer.

"You've put all of your trust into them, just like you put your trust into your brothers before." he snarled viciously.

"It was evident to me that you haven't learned, so I did what I had to do." he said gravely. I hiccuped, and he reached down to wipe my tears from my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, it hurt me to do this. It was best for you, having no distractions in the way." he said walking to the door.

I pressed my forehead against Ezra's one last time, pressing a kiss against his cold, smooth skin. I slid off the necklace he had on, and clasped it around my neck. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I bit back my lip to stop it from quivering.

I didn't know what they were going to do with his body, so as the guard came to retrieve me I pleaded with him, "Please, just make sure that he rests properly." I said to the tense guard, he softened for a second and nodded letting me know he would take care of him.

The tears were slowly replaced by my shock, I wasn't even sure if that really happened. I wanted it to be fake, a joke.

But it wasn't, and Ezra was gone.



authors note:

bye this was lowkey cringe but it's aight. make sure to comment because i need the motivation guysss.



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