18 | oscars

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Unknown P.O.V

"Can you act like a regular goddamn person?" I yelled at him. "Redo it." I said to the camera man.

I watched as he got his breakfast, and started getting ready to go out for the day. The shot ended as he pretended to leave.

It looked realistic enough. "Get him out of my sight." I ordered as the security dragged him away.

The petrified camera man staggered over to me, he was so meek, it was laughable. I snapped at him, "What?".

"The boy, he's not so good at acting, should we hire a body double?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes, "We're not trying to win the ducking Oscar's or anything. No one will notice." I said before walking out of the building, leaving him behind.

My advisor caught up to my pace, "Sir, what about the boy and the camera-man?" I got in my car and clicked the belt on.

"Put them inside and shoot them, I don't fucking know?" I scoffed at the stupidity of the question. Both of them were useless, I didn't have time to deal with this mess.


Florence's P.O.V:

The woman showed me my quarters. It was a small room that had a bed, a closet, and bathroom.

That was it, just basic needs, but it was better than the cell.

She left me to get ready for my first training.

I sat on the edge of the bed, and stared at the ceiling, there was small holes, I just hoped it wouldn't rain.

It wasn't amazing, it could always be worse. The thought that I was still going comforted me.

I started at myself in the bathroom mirror, my entire body was filthy, probably from spending a whole week locked up. My blond hair had become tangled, and greasy, my face had become streaked with tears, and dirt.

I quickly stripped down, and entered the shower.

There was only a single bar soap, so I scrubbed everywhere until my skin felt raw and clean. I tried to get the grease out of my hair but it wouldn't budge. I rubbed the soap against my hair to froth, and used it to  soothe my scalp.

Once I was done, I dried off with the towel and went to the closet. I couldn't put in my old clothes again, they were too dirty. The only clothes in the closet were military style, plain black and dark grey, or camo-colored. I choose a black long-sleeved compression shirt, and dark grey shorts, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, out of my face.

Normally, I would've taken time to look cute, but I didn't have any time, I had to get to training.

I put on a pair of sneakers I found under the bed, and walked to the cafeteria where the woman told me to go.

Everyone was settling down, most people looked like they've been through this multitudes of times. So i decided to sit near the group who looked scared shit-less. At least we had something in common.

I tried to start up a conversation with a girl sitting next to me but before she could respond, someone adjusted the mic.

"Hello, welcome to training. Most of you have already done this before, so go off to the line to get your breakfast. As for the new trainees, take a seat." The loud sound of shuffling men and women trying to get to the doors of the food line, and speaking with each other was almost deafening as I scooted up closer to hear.

"You will be grouped together, you will train for half a year, whoever ends up top five of your group will live, as for the rest of you who don't meet the expectations, you be assigned another job or be put to death if your of no use." I expected a huge speech, but was surprised by how little care was put into this.

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