23 | freshwater

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The Don's P.O.V:

I laughed at her face, dumb-stricken and just starting to realize. "You couldn't tell he was the man that slept with your Jersey?". 

She shook her head no, and sighed wobbly. I'm not surprised she wasn't as taken aback by this blow, she's had many surprises in these few months.

She simply got up and walked to the door, I returned to my paperwork but was interrupting by her clearing her throat.

"Uh, do you... do you know why they were together? Or what happened between them, that I didn't know." she asked.

I shook my head, knowing it was a lie. "I'm not sure". She turned back and left, leaving me to myself.

Florence was growing mature, she's begun to not care, and give up hope. Frankly, It's exactly what I need to bring down the other mafias. I knew that she wouldn't have come this far without my threatening, if those Cruz's convinced her to resist, they would've been too powerful. With a little more training, I can mold her into a weapon.

What good is a weapon without others knowing you have it? The Mafia Ball will be a immense surprise for everyone.


Florence's P.O.V:

As I walked out of the Don's hallway, I reached into my back-pocket and discreetly handed a bill to the guard standing outside, he nodded in acknowledgement. 

The Don was lying, and in all honesty he was good at it. Too bad for him that his guards are moles, they love to gossip.

That's how I found out what really happened. The Don forced Malachi to spy on Jersey when Jersey went away and ran around the country; he met Malachi several weeks before we first met in the police station. At first it was a just casual hook-ups, but it eventually progressed, and Jersey couldn't make up his mind.

He hadn't come out, and he knew his father was watching him so he was weary of his partners, but he didn't know Malachi was the spy. We technically weren't even official, we never talked about it, I suppose we both just assumed we were together. He obviously didn't feel the same way if he was two-timing with some guy.

The Don knew Malachi was attached, so he needed to take him out of the scene. He forced Malachi to pack up and leave Jersey pretending that he found out about me.

Malachi didn't want to leave, even though he was forced to take up this mission, the love he left for Jersey was real. Malachi felt love, and I felt comfort.

Malachi was dead, I am alive.

And Jersey is a cheating man-whore.

My heart tugged at the whole situation with Jersey; it was painful to detach myself, not because of love, because of the fact that I was detaching myself from my source of comfort. I felt so safe around him, that's what got me hooked.

However, he wasn't what I needed.

I huffed as I sat outside on the porch of the building. It was a vast expanse of nothingness, just dead grass and probably civilization around 100 miles away. I pulled out chunks of the grass, and twirled them with my fingers, reminiscing on how I used to do this during recess in elementary.

The past few weeks had been filled with constantly moving to different hideouts, who-ever attacked was intent on chasing us down, but I think we're going to be settled down here for a while.

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