Chapter 18

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   I ran over to the drawer next to my bed, looking through it I found my now clean clothes. I slipped them on and looked for my weapons. "Oh yeah, I only had kunai pouch since we were just training. The rest of my weapons are at home, shit..." I thought out loud. "Well this is an emergency so fuck the weapons," I said to my self. I jumped put of the window, heading to kohona's forest.

  When I got to Shukaku, I saw my friends fighting him, Garra was at the top and looks to be unconscious. "Shukaku!!!" I yelled. The one tailed looked at me, his eyes visibly widening. "What the hell do you think your doing? Hmm, did you forget what I asked of you? Well let me repeat it, I strictly said do not ... NOT... try and kill my friends." I said glaring at the demon. He winced, "I'm sorry, but the Kazekage told the brat to fight the leaf, and I'm just helping him with his troubles." I rolled my eyes, "Shukaku... I hate liars. You don't even like your jinchuriki, as well as the jinchuriki of your enemy. Your just out for blood, if you want it then here." I sighed, this was probably a stupid idea but it will help as a distraction for Naruto get Garra back to normal.

I took off my bandages and raised a kunai to my stitches,'Oh man this is gonna hurt.' I thought then stuck the kunai in my cut bringing it all the way down cutting through all the stitches. Naruto's eyes widened as well as everyone else's, "What are you doing kira?!?" Sakura yelled at me. "Giving Naruto a chance to defeat Shukaku." I said. I let the blood drip down my arm, 'Now to get somewhere high.... Oh I know!'

"Summoning jutsu!!" I yelled and slammed my hand down on the ground. There was a puff of smoke and I was lifted from the ground, "Princess Kira, why are you bleeding again." I growled at the name, but then shook my head. No time for that, anyways,"Arura bring me closer to shukaku, he'll do anything to avoid touching my blood. We need to give Naruto an opening to, I just hope he realizes what I'm doing." The red and black fox nodded and ran forward to shukaku with me on his nose. "You wanted blood? Then here have mine." I told Shukaku and flung my arm around. Causing the blood coming put of arm to fling towards Shukaku, just like I said he jumped out of the way. This went on for a few minutes, me flinging my blood at Shukaku and him jumping out of the way to avoid it.

'Come on Naruto. I can't go much longer, I can't lose to much blood. ' I thought.

   It looked as if Naruto caught on finally and said something to gambata, the giant frog nodded and jumped behind where Shukaku was. Instantly I knew what to do and I had Arura jump in front of Shukaku, flinging blood at him one last time. Shukaku did what I wanted and jumped right back into Gambata's arms. Naruto ran forward and on to Shukaku's head, towards Garra. Then sand wrapped around Naruto's legs, and flung him towards me. "Shit!!!" I said, and got ready to grab Naruto and fling him back. When Naruto got close to me, I put chakra in my feet to keep me from moving. I moved to the side and let Naruto fly right past me, then just as fast I turned around and grabbed his ankles. True it pulled me forward and caused my arm to hurt like bitch, but there was no time for dilly dallying. I used he rest of the momentum to spin Naruto around in circles, then fling him straight towards Garra.

  They both clashes heads, and woke garra up. Shukaku's form deteriorated away and they were both lying on the ground. I unsummoned Aura, landing on the ground a little less graceful than I wanted. I didn't have the strength to get up, so I crawled towards Naruto and Garra. "Hey guys, what's up?" I said casually, still bleeding. A twinge of pain shot threw my arm, "Ow," I moaned grabbing my arm,"that hurt like hell." I groaned wrapping my arm in bandages. "Then why did you do it?" Garra asked. I smiled at him, "Cause thats what friends do, help each other out. Through thick and thin." Garra showed a confused face, "Friends?" I giggled, "Yes friends."


I sat in the hospital bed, getting my arm healed properly. Which means not getting stitches, but the nurse said since I cut through my stitches like that I will have a scar on my arm. Garra and the others went home, and Sasuke as well as Lee are in the hospital. The door opened and my Dad walked in, heading straight towards me. He smacked the back of my head, I made a weird 'ack' noise, falling forward a bit. Then strong arms wrapped around me, "What the hell were you thinking Kira?!? First you leave me worried sick being in the hospital from blood loss when I got back. Then you leave the hospital and cut your arm again, and on purpose might I add. That was reckless!!" He yelled at me, causing tears to come to my eyes.

The Black Rose Assassin 2012-2016 (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now