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"So your gonna be leaving?" My brother asked. I smiled as I looked on to the sunset, "Yeah but I will only be gone for three years. I'll be training to defend my self from the group called the Akatsuki, apparently their already after us." I said with a sigh and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Right those guys huh? Yeah I ran into them once, barely got away from them myself." He said and leaned back making my head fall, I glared up at him and elbowed his stomach.

  "You asshat I can't be jerked around like that yet, I'm still sore." I growled out and laid on his stomach, rubbing my hands over the red scarring tissue under my black V neck shirt. "Hmm sorry sis. Anyways how long till you leave?" He asked as laid his hands under his head looking up at the rising stars. "Tomorrow morning actually..." I said thoughtfully. He nodded slowly a small frown on his face, I glanced up at him with a smirk, "Do you wanna fuck shit up before I go?" Slowly a smirk grew on his face. "There is some harmless paint bombs I've been wanting to try" he said and we both chuckled evilly.

~| Two hours later (1:08 A.M) |~

   "Ready?" I asked and Seirento nodded. I pushed a mask over my head and got my paint gun ready, "First person to reach the Hokage's faces and shoot each one twice wins, also make sure you get bonus points.... The waking villagers." I said with and evil sadistic smirk and pressed a big red button. I laughed as screams of terror and big splatters of rainbow paint exploded all the over the town, I ran in the shadows waiting for the waking villagers to come out.

   An old man covered in light blue paint came out with a nasty glare, "I swear if it's that nasty monster boy I'll~" I frowned and interrupted his speech by pelting him with navy blue colored paintballs. I jumped out and pulled off my mask letting my pink hair fall down to my mid back, "Nope you old drunk bastard it's Kira Kuro-Bara at your service and if I see or hear you threaten Naruto again.... I'm shoving this paintball gun that I made down your throat." I said and glared for a moment. Then Seirento jumped over head me and turned his head to shout back ay me, "Hey loser your getting behind, you can't defend your boyfriend all the time get you butt moving or you'll lose!" He said causing me to turn bright red.

   "Stupid asshole!" I shouted and pelted the back of his head getting each shot in the middle. I ran off after him and pelted the villagers that came out of their homes, I smirked and went to Sakura's room which I out a light lavendar pink bomb in it and jumped through one window pelted her in the back; then jumped out the other window.

   I ran back to my house which had glittery prince pink, my Dad came out in only pajamas covered in the paint and I pelted him three times in the face. I laughed crazily and ran back to Naruto's apartment which had orange paint and jumped through his window as well, he was up and about flipping out about ninja. I laughed, "Sorry Naru." I said and shot him at least once in the face and three times in the stomach. I did a back flip out the window again and nailed the ANBU in the face, "Hahah Suckers!" I yelled back at them and headed for the Hokage's office.

   I went through the door and started bailing anyone who was in there while laughing like a maniac, "Say hello to my little friend mother fuckers!!" I yelled and jumped out the next window nailing more ANBU who chased after me. I finally made it back to the Hokage mountain and shot every face twice, then jumped up to the flag. "You loose, Lil' Kill." Seirento said with a smile.

  "Nuh uh big brother, this is based off points remember." I said ad he frowned. "I shot sixty villagers, and got to the hokage mountain first so I got 160 points." He said a small growl coming out. I smirked, "Well I got here second so thats 50 the  I shot 60 villagers as well. So thats 110 so far, then I got Sakura My Dad Naruto and about 10 ANBU ninja in the face so that must be about 75 at least. Then I nailed the Granny Tsunade and her handlers and thats another 75 at least, so in all thats 260." I said with a smirk and held out my hand. Seirento glared at me and handed me about 10,000 ryo, I chuckled and put all the money in my pouch. "Now for the next test, toilet paper. " Seirento said and handed me a roll. "Ready. Aim. Fire!" I yelled and we both threw it across the village.

The Black Rose Assassin 2012-2016 (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now