Not the time

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I thought one day of crying would do it - it turned into 4 long long days. I'm not the baddie i thought i was.

Now i meant it when i said i had to get over it. Obviously it wouldn't be fast,but i had to stop mourning over love that was clearly not there. It indeed was a One sided relationship. It was time to get back at him.

I made a little phone call to my source of revenge - Pedris best friend, Gavi. Nothing would hurt him more than seeing me with his best friend. I laid in bed in my silk pajamas,a face mask on and my hype playlist on spotify.

I got his contact out and phoned him.

A: Gavi,hi.

G: Oh hey Angelica, you okay? wait i want to ask,what was the reason for smashing Pedris car windows ?

A: i'm getting there- wait,he didn't tell you ?

G: what do you mean ? is everything okay ?

A: you seriously didn't hear ?

G: no...Angelica what did he do to you?

A: he cheated on me Pablo.

G: your fucking joking right ? oh my god Angelica i'm so sorry i didn't know. He hasn't told me ! he said you lashed out at him,hence the windows...

A: what a liar. He cheated on me,for 5 months of our relationship. It's ridiculous if you ask me.

G: i'm so sorry. He's a dickhead,i can't believe he did that to you.

A: nor can i,anyways - i'm thinking of getting back at him,i feel it would help me heal.

G: if your thinking of using me as your revenge,i'm really sorry but i cannot do that to him. I know he messed up but he is my best friend.

A: where did you get that idea from ?

G: oh i just,i thought that's where this was going.

A: okay well your right. Please Gavi,just a few weeks of 'fake dating' to humble him.

G: i really can't i'm sorry. Listen i'm here if you need me,but that's too much.

A: you know what,thank you anyways.

I hung up the phone in absolute defeat,i didn't know how this was going to work.

My next source of healing would be to get drunk and party,surely i'll run in to some other boys to try fill the void. Lucky enough for me it was a Friday night.

I made sure i made plans with some friends to go to the club me and Pedri would normally go to,in hopes that he would be there and he could see me moving on.

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