**✿❀ Chapter 1 ❀✿**

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I woke up and glanced over at my clock. 


"Ugh" I thought "We're leaving for the train soon, I better get up." I pulled back my silk sheets and slumped out of bed. I tied my hair up into a bun and put on my dressing gown. As I began to make my way to the kitchen, I bumped into a very excitable thing. I hit the ground and looked up.

"Draco, what the hell?!" I shouted, gathering myself and getting up. My twin brother, Draco, was a stuck up boy who always loved 'daddy's' attention. God we don't get along. Just because he was born 2 minuets before me, my parents worshiped him. I was just stood in his shadow all my life.

"Y/N, get out of my way! You nearly creased my freshly ironed shirt" He responded, with arrogance radiating through his words.

"Oh shut up, I don't get why you're already in your uniform. It's not even 7AM" I rolled my eyes in response, and continued walking down the corridor.

"You're just mad because I'm more prepared than you!" he commented, smugly walking past me. I ignored him and followed him to the kitchen where we were greeted by my mother and father at the dining table.

"Good morning, my beautiful children" my mother beamed "big day today are you both excited?" To which Draco responded with an exaggerated nod as he stuffed his face with toast. My mother always tried to treat us the same but it was so obvious that she favored him, it was just a little act that she has to put on out of courtesy. My father however didn't every try to hide his love for his boy, sometimes I question myself if he actually realized that two children came out of his wife that day or if he just stopped paying attention after the first one was born. Either way, I didn't really care. I was more of an independent child. I walked first, talked first, got better grades. So, I was happy for Draco to be the one being cradled. Shortly after my brother had finished his mouthful, he, my mother and my father began a conversation about everything they need to do today. I didn't care to join in, I simply just put in my Air Pods and went into my own little world until we had to leave.


As I pushed my trolley through the platform, I heard a very loving voice bellow to my right

"It's the same year after year. Always packed with Muggles, of course. Come on. Platform 9¾ this way! All right, Percy, you first." 

Glancing over I saw a slightly overweight woman with bright ginger hair. And with her, there was 5 other ginger haired children, 4 boys and 1 girl. I looked in awe as I saw the love that radiated through their family. As I was looking over, one of the boys looked at me. We locked eyes; and for a moment, time stopped. He looked a couple years older than me and Draco and had that bright, fiery hair on top of his head. He shot a smile over in my direction, but before I could return it, I felt my father's cane whip onto my left shoulder.

"Eyes forward Y/N." He said coldly. Dropping my head, I continued walking to Platform 9¾'s entrance.


Holding onto my cat, Clementine, I walked through the train trying to find an empty carriage. My brother had immediately went to go and sit with some family friends, but I refused to sit with them. After passing a handful of carriages, I noticed that same fiery hair. It wasn't the same boy. A boy who looked younger, my age I presume. He was sat with a dark haired boy with glasses, and a brunette girl with a head full of long curls. I remembered how the love was passed earlier through his family, and decided to open the door to the carriage. 

"Hi guys, do you mind if I sit with you? Everywhere else is full." I asked

"No, not at all." The brunette boy said, gesturing me to sit down. I did so. I was greeted with smiles from all three. A feeling of lust rushed through me, I had never felt so loved. From that moment, I knew I liked these three.

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