**✿❀ Chapter 10 ❀✿**

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I opened my eyes to the warm smell of cooked food. I looked around the room, Fred and George were already downstairs. I followed the smell to the kitchen table, and was greeted by a table full of happy Weasley's.

"Good morning Y/N, dear." Molly said, joyfully. "Did you sleep okay?"

"I slept amazing, thank you." I replied, taking a seat in between Fred and Ginny.

"Good! Please help yourself to eggs and bacon" 

I thanked her and helped myself to a few eggs and a ration of bacon. I looked around at the table, everyone was immersed in their own conversations. Ginny lent over to me and we began our own conversation.

When breakfast was over, I helped Mrs. Weasley wash up the dishes - well, I washed up a few before she told me not to bother with any more and happily put a charm on the dishes so they cleaned themselves. I headed back upstairs to go and get dressed and was faced with a Fred Weasley lying on his bed, reading a book.

"Didn't think you knew how to read" I said to him as I walked in. A slight smirk made it's way onto his face, he sat upright and looked at me. 

"You don't know me at all, do you?" He said

I laughed, "what are you reading then?" and went and sat next to him

"Gilderoy Lockhart's new book. Mum bought a bunch of them and is making us all read them. Apparently, he's doing a book signing at the end of the summer."

"Oh, nice. I've heard about him before"

"Y/N," Fred began "can I talk to you?"

"Yeah," I replied and sat myself up "what's up?"

"I saw the you and your mum were looking at each other yesterday, it broke my heart. It looked like she really missed you. If you didn't want to come here for the Summer, you didn't have to. I didn't want to force you, I just wanted to give you the option."

"Fred, stop worrying. I'm so glad I'm here, I really didn't want to go home. As for my mum, I guess it's just harder for her because I am her only daughter after all." A silence filled the room. "You know, I remember when I was younger, she used to braid my hair before I went to school. I would always go and show off my braid to my friends, and they would be so jealous. They always said that they wanted a braid like that, but their mother's and father's never knew how. So one day, my mother invited all of my friends to ours after school and she taught every single one of us how to braid hair the way she did mine. I almost wish it was the same, I never had anything against my mother - just my father and Draco." 

Fred didn't say anything, he just pulled me in for a hug. I smushed my face into his shirt and blinked back tears that began to form. But, I couldn't hold them in anymore. I began to break down into his chest. He hushed gently and stroked my hair. After a short while, I felt my eyes becoming heavy, I took a deep, shaky breath and closed my eyes and it wasn't long before I fell asleep.


When I woke, I was still wrapped in Fred's arms. I looked up, and to my surprise he was asleep too. He looked so peaceful. His lips slightly parted, his ginger hair resting over the side of his face. All of a sudden, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around to see George smiling at me.

"Comfy?" He asked, smugly. 

"Piss off." I said, laughing slightly. I sat up, trying not to disturb Fred as I did so.  I checked the time on the clock behind me.


God, we've been asleep for nearly 2 hours. I quietly got up and grabbed some clothes out of my suitcase, smiling slightly at George before heading to the bathroom to get changed. I locked the door to the bathroom and put my clothes on. I chose out a white, flowy maxi skirt and a plain white tube top.

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