**✿❀ Chapter 4 ❀✿**

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My first few months at Hogwarts flew by. Not a lot happened, but, a few exciting things did: Professor Quirrell had ran into the great hall during dinner around Halloween time claiming that there was a troll in the dungeon - which there was but it got sorted. Draco got detention which was the funniest thing, he was spying on the trio and thought he'd get out of being out of bed after hours just because he turned the trio in - idiot. But, the most exciting thing is that I made the seeker for the Slytherin quidditch team. Madam Hooch had a really good hunch about me flying and suggested it to Snape. Now it's our first game tomorrow and I'm absolutely shitting it. Also, I've been spending all my extra time in the Gryffindor common room that they all see me as a Gryffindor now! Now it's December and coming up to the Christmas holidays, which I'm dreading because it means I'm going to have to go back home. But whatever.


"Omg Y/N," Hermione said, putting down her toast "It's nearly 9, we have to get to Defense against the Dark Arts" We both quickly gathered ourselves and left. One good thing about Professor Quirrell's class, is that Hermione got moved into it as she picked up an extra potions class so she had to switch. So now we just sit together and talk the whole time. The thing is, Hermione is so smart she doesn't need to focus in class, and I hate Quirrell so I don't listen to him. 

"So are you ready for the quidditch match tomorrow?" She asked

"Not really, I'm so nervous. It's Slytherin vs Gryffindor, I'm literally getting pit against the twins and Harry and everyone else, and I don't want to piss anyone off."

"You won't piss anyone off Y/N, it's not like you're choosing to go against them. Plus, it's a game"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Also, did you hear that Draco send an owl to our dad complaining that I made the team so young and he didn't? So my dad had to owl Dumbledore telling him to put Draco as a beater. Like how pathetic is that?"

Hermione laughed "Yeah, that is really pathetic. Why does he have to buy his way into everything?"

"I don't know, honestly I'm embarrassed to be related to him" I laughed before continuing "I swear to god though if he tries any sly little move, I'm going to become the beater and beat the living shit out of him."

"All you have to do is focus on the golden snitch. Harry is the Gryffindor seeker so you two can both just stay out of the way and have a little friendly competition"

"To be fair, I am quite glad that one of my best friends is the seeker so I'm not chasing after some random person" We both laughed and continued our work before the lesson ended. And when it did, we went our separate ways. I made my way to Herbology when I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh god, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and-"

"Don't worry about it love" Fred lent down to pick up the books that I dropped and he met my eyes as he stood back up

"Honestly Fred, I feel you're starting to stalk me... you're everywhere I go" I teased, with a smile

He chuckled "What do you have now?"

"Herbology, you?"

"Well... I do have transfiguration but I was going to just skip as I haven't done the homework assignment that was due today. Do you wanna say 'fuck it' to Herbology and come join me?"

"Wow. What a good influence you are" I joked "I'm kidding, yeah let's do it." We made our way to the Gryffindor common room and both sunk in the red, leather sofa in front of the fire. He looked at me and faced his body towards me

"So, tomorrow. You ready?" He asked

"As ready as I'll ever be." I sarcastically replied. We both shared a laugh and he looked me in the eyes.

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