**✿❀ Chapter 3 ❀✿**

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I walked into the Gryffindor party, clutching my bag tight. Music was blaring. Lights were blinding. I couldn't see anyone I recognized. I started to panic slightly. I slowly shuffled a bit more into the party and placed my bag down on a random chair in the corner of the room. I was getting some looks from some of the Gryffindor students. 'Fuck. Was this a mistake to come?' I thought. Before I could think twice, my thoughts were interrupted by a loud call of my name.

"Y/N!" A very excitable Ron came bounding my way. A smile spread across my face. 

"Hi Ron!" I exclaimed and gave him a hug. He drooped over me and I looked at him. "Ron... are you drunk?" I asked with a slight laugh

"What? Noo. I've only had 3 shots of Firewhisky" He slurred, holding up 5 fingers. I laughed and guided him to a chair.

"I told him not to take that last shot" a voice behind me said "5 shots of Firewhisky is the equivalent to about 8 or 9 shots of muggle whisky." I turned around to see Hermione in a beautiful midi purple dress. 

"Mione! You look amazing!" I said and gave her a hug

"As do you Y/N! I love your skirt!" 

As Hermione began talking to me, I looked past her shoulder to catch eyes with someone across the room. Fred. Hermione's talking became muffled as my mind shifted. Fred was wearing a black t-shirt that hugged his body, and some grey joggers. He looked me up and down and then met my eyes again with a slight smirk riding up on the left side of his lips. I blushed. Hermione moved her head in front of my eyes to shift my focus.

"Oh uh sorry Mione, what were you saying?" I asked slightly embarrassed. Hermione turned around to see Fred. As she turned her head back around, she had a large smile spread across her face. 

"Nothing important." she gleamed "Come on Ron, lets go get you a big glass of water" She picked up Ron and shot me a wink as she guided him away. I looked back over to Fred to see him crossing the room in my direction. I suddenly started getting hot again. 'fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck' I thought. Before I could compose myself, he was standing before me. I crooked my neck up to his direction

"You look stunning" He said. I blushed once more. "It's quite loud in here, do you want to go and get some air? I know a place." I smiled and nodded my head and he led me out the door.

After a short walk, we reached the astronomy tower.

"Why have you bought me here?" I asked, chuckling slightly

"The astronomy tower just hits different at night, I go here sometimes to clear my head." He was right, it was gorgeous. It was so tranquil, a vast, endless, and unknown universe beyond the human eye. A whole new world. A universe that is waiting to be discovered. The astronomy tower was welcoming all the countless stars, constellations, and the moon. The serenity and quietness of the nearby trees swaying in the gentle breeze, and the sound of crickets in the night. Calm and peaceful nights are all I have been dreaming of, away from the craziness that infatuates Malfoy manor, and Fred had gifted it to me. Complete relaxation. I rested my body weight onto the bars surrounding the tower, perching myself on my forearms. I couldn't say anything. I was so calm in that moment. The silence was like a pillow. What a night. What a guy.


Fred's POV

I went back into my dorm after dinner to prepare for this night ahead. George was just out of the shower when I got up there.

"Hey Freddie" He said 

"Hi Georgie" I responded 

"All ready for tonight?" He asked "I heard you invited Y/N"

"Yeah well, she's basically a Gryffindor. She's only a Slytherin by genetics"

"No man I'm not judging, I dig Y/N. She's a sweet girl"

"Yeah she is isn't she." I zoned out, picturing her smile; her gorgeous smile. My heart stops whenever I see that smile. She's just got this aura about her that seems to have grabbed me from the first time I caught her eye on the platform. I was pulled back to earth to a pillow being thrown at my head.

"Hello? Earth to Fred?"

I cleared my throat. "Sorry George, I got um distracted" George came closer to me. A mischievous look across his face "What?" I asked with a chuckle

"You like her!" He exclaimed

"What? No I don't" I dismissed

"You so do!" He excitedly jumped onto my bed and began singing "Y/N, I love you. Y/N, I dooo"

"Piss off" I laughed and pushed him off my bed. "Look I've never felt like this before, so keep this to yourself dickhead, okay?" He flashed his eyebrows up with a smile and carried on getting dressed.


The party was loud and busy. So far I couldn't see Y/N. But, it was only 20 minuets in so I wasn't too worried. I saw Ron take a shot with Harry and went to point it out to George but when I was showing him, Ron had gone. 'Wtf?' I thought 'He was right there?' I scanned my eyes around and found him bounding across the room to a corner. I rolled my eyes and tried to see what he was doing; he was an idiot but still my little brother, I didn't want him to do anything dumb. That's when I saw her. Y/N. God, she looked gorgeous. She had a tight black skirt on, and a stunning black top on too. Her shiny hair was resting gracefully on her shoulders, with a few bits falling slightly lower down. She looked heavenly. Like an angel. Hermione was talking to her. Do I go over? No. I don't want to interrupt. Suddenly, I saw her piercing blue eyes catch mine. In that moment, the world was still. The party stopped. It was just me and her in the room. I broke eye contact to see Hermione look back with a grin on her face. She was leaving. Now's my chance. I walked over to her, every step I took closer to her, the more beautiful she got. Once I reached her, I looked down and said how stunning she looked. She blushed. 

"It's quite loud in here" I said "do you want to go and get some air? I know a place." She nodded and I led her out the room to the astronomy tower. I've never taken anyone to the astronomy tower before, not even George. I like it to be a place just for me. Just a place to clear my head. But Y/N was special. She deserved to endure this place as much as I did. Hell, she deserved it more. As my mum always said:

"When you find a girl, prioritize her. If she makes you feel like you're floating on air whenever you're around her, keep her. Don't let a girl like that go. They only come round once in a lifetime. When you know, you know." 

And I could tell Y/N was the girl my mum has always tried to describe. 

"Why have you bought me here?" she asked, chuckling slightly

"The astronomy tower just hits different at night," I responded "I go here sometimes to clear my head." She didn't say anything more, she was just in awe at the view. I smiled to myself. She looked stunning in the moonlight. The way it bounced off her skin. Her eyes reflecting off the stars. She looked so peaceful. So innocent. In that moment, I knew. I'm not letting her go. She lent herself against the metal bar. I copied her. I admired the view, but nothing was as beautiful as her. I looked back over at her to find her already looking at me. She had a small smile and a tear forming at the corner of her eye. She opened her mouth to speak, but I interrupted her.

"Don't speak love. Just be in the moment." She smiled at me and rested her head on my shoulder. If I could stay like this forever, I would. I would sell my soul to freeze time right now. Just so I could stay with her. Just me and her. I rested my head on hers. What a night. What a girl.

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