𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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These boys, well more like men who must be secret models, have been sitting here in silence for minutes

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These boys, well more like men who must be secret models, have been sitting here in silence for minutes. Though I feel like I've sat here for hours as their piercing stares like laser beams that could shoot through my head any minute now. And here I was thinking I'd come out of my comfort zone and be more social. Clearly not.

A cup is slammed on the table, making me jump in fright. "Are you two just going to sit and stare all day or will you introduce yourselves already?" Kai questions the two men, which I do not know the names of.

The unnamed man scoffs, "Like you we're talking either shithead, don't blame this on us." Kai sighs and turns back to face me. "Excuse their- I mean our manners, you must be uncomfortable Oliver, or would you like me to call you Oli from now on?"

I simply nod my head in reply, feeling words stuck to the bottom of my throat at the moment. Danny nudges the same man in the gut, causing him to groan.

"My name's Rae." I turn and stare at the one I now know is Rae. He has beautiful blue eyes, I could stare at them for years. No, I cannot get myself involved with these men. Just a while longer as I can leave...though I wouldn't mind staying.

Realizing I'd been staring without a word, I quickly put on the best smile I can muster up. It's not like I want to be fake, I just am quite nervous right now.

"And this is Logan! Don't mind him, he's just a little grumpy right now" Danny explains. I turn my head to look at Logan. He had chocolate brown hair and eyes just the same, I found it very attrac- no what the hell shut up Oliver!

I give him the same smile that I'd given Rae, but he just glares at me like I've committed murder. Scary. My smile twitches ever so slightly, but I'm once again saved as Leo returns from the kitchen, Matteo following close behind. They carried delicious looking food that had me practically drooling. I hear a chuckle and realize everyone is staring at me once again, causing the common heat to roll onto my face.

"Looks like someone's hungry," Leo laughs. I turn away fast, eyes landing back on Logan to see a slight grin on his face, but it disappears so fast that I'm sure it was my imagination. He'd look fabulous with a smile.

Leo and Matteo set down everyone's food, mine being an omelet with bacon and toast. Leo slides into the padded seat, making me feel tiny as I'm now sat between two ginormous men.

"I didn't quite know what you wanted, I'm sorry I didn't ask. I hope it's to your liking." Leo speaks once again.

"I-it's alright no worries, this looks delicious t-thank you very much." I smile shyly. Out of the corner of my eye I see Logan's face, he seems.. Shocked?

Ignoring it for now, I turn to start my breakfast in silence.


2 Days Later

"Hey Oli we're all gonna go outside for a picnic, wanna join?" Danny asks.

"I um-"

"Great! Put on a sweatshirt too, it's a little chilly!" Danny says then walks away. Over the first 2 days I've been here I haven't done much. I had a meeting with Leo about all my medications and I'll be going to group meetings at least once a week. He also encouraged me to spend time and get to know everyone. I think Danny may have been told to try and become friends with me because he's bugged me the most, and I quickly learned that when he asks you a question he usually will have already decided your answer for you.

I get up and drag my feet over to the closet to find a sweatshirt. I was already wearing mom jeans (and yes I as a boy can still wear them) and a dark sage-green t-shirt. Digging through the boxes I have yet to unpack, I realize that the only clean sweatshirt that I had was worn yesterday, and that cannot be worn because it has cake batter all over it from when I baked yesterday. Danny had learned that I loved cooking and/or baking and decided that we should make some.

Deciding I'll be fine, I head downstairs and make my way to the back doors that lead onto the porch. Spotting where the others were, I slowly made my way over there.

Danny perks up when he sees me and makes his way over. He looks me up and down then says, "Oli I told you it was chilly outside! Where's your sweatshirt?" He pouts.

"Well I-"

"No excuses darling, I told you to get one and you didn't listen, no sweets for you today!" At this my eyes widened. No... sweets? He cannot do this! I live for sweets of all kinds, hell I make them for a living!

"But- no! You cannot do that th-the reason I don't have one is your fault!"

Danny gasps, "Darling how is this my fault! And I said no excuses."

"Y-you split cake batter all over me yesterday! That was my clean sweatshirt so now I don't have one." I say matter-of-factly. I then continued on and plopped right down on the picnic blanket, not even paying attention to where I was sitting, and picked up the first sweet I saw which happened to be a macaron and took a bite out of it while staring right into Danny's eyes.

He gasps and marches over to me then proceeds to smack my hand like a childs then take the falling macaron. I just sit and pout, hearing a laugh I turn to the side and see Logan. Logans laughing? He just continued to laugh and wipe his eyes as some tears had fallen. Once he's done from his weird ass laughing show, he looks at me, takes off his sweatshirt, and pulls it over my head without a word.

I simply blush at the events that had just happened, both my tantrum and the sweatshirt that I'm now wearing that belongs to the man I assumed had hated me.

"So Oli, I'm sorry I haven't seen you very much yet, I've just been quite... busy at work these days. But since tomorrow's Sunday how about I take you out shopping with the boys and we can find some things for your room so you can feel more at home and also get to know the boys a bit better."

I guess that doesn't sound too bad, "Sure why not." I smile at him and continue to eat a turkey club, which is delicious.

Soon everyone had finished and I got to know everyone a bit more. I found out that Rae really likes music and is super good at it. I know Leo is the head of this place and he has his own problems. For some reason he's really secretive about his job and whenever I ask, everyone just changes the subject so I better not ask in the future. Despite his looks, Kai is such a teddy bear, I kinda wanna give him a hug. Danny loves any attention he can get and he isn't shy about it either. Then there's Logan, I still don't know much about him but I feel like even though he gives off the fuck you vibes, he secretly cares, but hey I could be wrong.

As I'm walking back to my room I bump into a wall, since when was there a wall here? I look up and realize it was just Logan, my bad. He simply just stares at me, more specifically my sweatshirt, or his sweatshirt. He probably wants it back right?

"Oh L-logan sorry I forgot to give this back here I can give it to you now" I smile and go to take the sweatshirt off.

"No." He says.

I look up again while both of my hands are on the sweatshirt ready to pull it off.

"Huh?" I say, confused at his actions.

"I said no." He scoffs and then turns back around, opens his door, walks in, then slams it shut.

I stand there utterly confused as I stare at his door, wondering what just happened. Pushing it off, I walk back to my room and get in my pjs. As I begin to get under the covers, I stare at the gray hoodie that belongs to you-know-who. I stare for what feels like hours then finally get up and grab it. I put it on and then crawl back under the covers of my bed. I was cold.


Tysm for 1k views! Sorry I didn't keep my promise to be good w updates I probably never will, but tryin my best, as always have a great day <3

𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 (𝐁𝐱𝐁+)Where stories live. Discover now