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Marcelli Eirene Banasiewiez

"Oren, stop."


"I have my blood down there."

Oren looked down at my private area. I chuckle when he sighs and gets up to turn on the TV. He came back to his seat behind me to cuddle me.

The man let out a satisfied sigh. "I could do this everyday." He whispered as he snuggled more on my nape.

I want to tell him that I could too but the silence between the sounds creeping into me. Why is it, I only realized something after it was done? I shouldn't have given myself again. I shouldn't let my feelings overpowered the right thing to do. I shouldn't have told him how he becomes familiar to my heart that I have to slowly let go because the fast phase will destroy me.

I want to redo my words so much because I fear the truth that there's still a question that I haven't got the answer to.

For starters, he heard me say my confession and do or say nothing about it. Yes, he becomes more than he is before but I need words.

Words and actions should complement each other. If one of those two is missing, it could mean nothing or confusing.

"What was that?"


"Your sigh was so deep, deeper from the ocean." My eyes rolled from his joke. "Seriously though, you look troubled. Something's bothering you?"

Yes. "I'm fine." I said nonchalantly. "I just don't like having a monthly period. It's painful."

"Want to get rid of it?"

The suggestive tone in his voice furrowed my brow. I didn't know there's a way.


"Though the solution will only last for nine months."

I let out another sigh. I should have known that he said nothing serious. Especially in a serious situation.

"And I'll get white hair for raising kids with your attitude." Oh, I can only imagine it. "Having you was already a headache, what's more a real kid. I think my head will explode like a volcano."

Oren laughed heartily. "We have you. I'm sure you'll discipline our child like how your father does. I mean you two have this aura that will make you face the wall If someone behaves not right."

"And I'll be the bad guy, you mean?"

He gave me a tender hug from behind. "That's fine, they'll love you nonetheless."

Our conversation sunk into me but I don't want to ruin it with my thoughts. I have issues from the word love coming out from Oren's mouth.

"You seem to love the idea of knocking me up. My father will shoot to kill you, for your information." I told him in a playful tone.

Oren groaned on the crook of my neck as if only realizing that our stay here is only temporary. Right. All of this will end eventually. 

So I decided at that very moment, I will have the best of this. Whatever we have right now. So by the time we are done, my only regret is I let myself fall.

"It's good that I have only your father to dwell. Mothers always wanted me for their daughters." Oren told me with a smug look on his face. "Yours is lucky. She doesn't need to send expensive gifts to my mom to have me date you."

I scoffed. "My mother wants me to date professionals and educated men." But with you, Mother will make an exception. I'm very much sure of it.

Oren made me face him by turning my body around. "I am a professional actor and I graduated with Latin honors."

My eyes went wide. "Latin honor? You must be kidding me."

"Of course I am." He proudly replied.

Oren shrieked when I smacked him.

"Learn to read the room."

"I so don't like reading, baby girl."

"Now, who doesn't have common sense?"

My man chuckled. "It's a sense of humor."

I rolled my eyes at him. "And excuse me? Professional actor? You mean, actor wannabe?"

"Hey! That's offensive."

"Haha. Truth hurts."

"It doesn't hurt me, it's just offensive."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I got up to go to the kitchen. I'm cooking carbonara. "Besides, I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend with my father knowing it."

I open the fridge and take out ingredients and pasta from the cabinet for my carbonara.

"Why not?" Oren followed me.

I put water in a casserole and let it heat while entertaining this man.

"He forbids me and if I disobey, he'll kick me out of the army. That's our deal."

"And the guy from the other day was your boyfriend."

I span to look at him. Oren has no emotion on his face.

"He's my ex."

"Still. You had a boyfriend."

"And so?" I'm chopping garlic and onion.

"What if I tell this to your father?"

I laughed at his childishness. "You wouldn't say it." But he just stared at me. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, why not." He shrugged. "You don't want to date me because of the deal but you had a boyfriend. That's unfair."

I was just gazing at him. "Don't mess around."

"Okay, I won't." Then he walked over to me to kiss my lips but my eyes didn't falter. "Hey, I'm kidding."

"Next time, don't even try to joke about that."

Oren frowned his forehead. "I'm sorry, you know I wouldn't do it."

"Army is important to me, Oren."

He hugged me and I felt his head moving as though nodding to my response. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

We stay like that for a minute before speaking again. "Mind telling me why?" I lifted my head. "I mean, I know a job is important but why do you seem to worry about something else?"

I'm having second thoughts about telling him but it's not a secret either.

"It is not a mere job. It's my brother's dream."



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