The Search

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To readers: This would be my first story here in wattpad, I'm truly inspired by Freenbecky so I wanted to write them a good story. Hope everyone will love this.


Freen experienced a hard breakup with her long time boyfriend. She was devastated, they were about to get married but she was dumped 3 days before their wedding. She tried calling him but he never answered. 

Freen on Phone call with one of his Fiance's friend

F: Hi, how have you been? I was just wondering if you've heard anything about...... Kirk?

Friend: I know how hard it has been for you, but the last time I heard about him is that he went to US. I'm so sorry Freen.

Freen was left with silence and dropped the call.

Freen was left with silence and dropped the call

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Freen desperate for answers, she went to follow him. She went to the place, he used to say on his stories. She looked for him for a month. And as her flight back to thailand is nearing, no luck was on her side. Broken in thousand words, she has no choice but to go back.

Walking towards a house in California down in Culver city, hoping she'll find him there.

(Ringing the door bell) 

F: Hi, I don't know how would this sound to you but I was looking for Kirk....

Man: Oh Kirk, yeah I heard what happened, you must be his....(Awkwardly stopped) He was supposed to come and live here for good but you guys never went.

Freen shocked of what she heard.

F: Live here for good?

Man: Yeahhh, I have spoken about it on the phone with him and I overheard you saying how you would like the idea, don't you remember?

The man continues to talk, but Freen seems to can't comprehend everything he was saying. But one thing is for sure, she was not the girl this man is talking about.

Freen felt tormented more than a million times.

She was left with nothing, waiting for no one and going nowhere. Her whole life has been planned with him. 

Her dreams were about him. Her choices depended on him. Her whole life was him. 

And now the life she was longing,  is gone.

"Will destiny be able to  fulfill it's part to heal her wounded heart"

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