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"Freen do me you're jealous, cuz if you won't I would stop from holding on and let you go. me you're jealous."

Nam: Where have you been???

F: I'm going back to my room..

Freen left without even looking at Becky and Engfa but she saw everything, she tried to conceal the pain bc what can she do? Is she gonna stop them? What right does she have to do that?

Becky and Engfa stopped from making out and went into Engfa's room.

E: Okay guys I have to bring Becky to my room, she's so drunk.

Kade: Take care of her...

Engfa put Becky on bed and they both passed out.

Becky lying on the side, pretending to be sleeping. Suddenly started crying silently.

Becky POV

Its clear to me now that you don't want me, but even tho I accepted that fact I still can't help myself from hurting. I'm so pathethic, I must've looked so desperate to even use Engfa.
I should stop this dream of you coming back to me.

Freen went to her room and burried her face to the pillow and screamed.

F: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

She threw everything off the bed out of anger. Not to Becky or Engfa but to herself. She's so furious about the fact that shes a coward that can't accept her true self. She kept on denying her feelings. And now she thought Becky is out of her reach.

Freen POV

Seeing them kissed already broke me but seeing them passionately kissing each other?
You're an idiot Sarocha!!!

Freen passed out frustated about herself.

The next morning

Freen woke up with a terrible headache

F: heads about to crack.

She jumped off the bed and went on the shower and prepared herself for work.

On her way to the office she saw Engfa walking towards her.

Freen POV
She's so pretty, what am I compared to her? Her perfect face, perfect body, Becky with no doubt must've fallen for her.

E: Good morning Freen
F: Good morning..
E: Have a nice day!

They passed thru each other and thats when Freen heard Becky's voice

B: Babe!!!

Freen saw Becky walking towards her with a sweet smile, her lips so red, her hair blowing with the wind. She's wearing a white bohemian dress without sleeves that suits her perfectly.
At that moment Freen felt her heart beating fast and all she can see is Becky..

(Closer You and I)
Hey there' a look in your eyes
Must be love at first sight
You were just part of a dream
Nothing more so it seemed
But my love couldn't wait much longer
Just can't forget the picture of your smile
Cause everytime I close my eyes
You come alive...

And that's when Freen realized that her heart belongs to only one person. No one else but Rebecca Patricia Armstrong.

Closer You and I [FreenBecky]Where stories live. Discover now