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Freen POV

"Babe come on, we're gonna be late for work. I have meeting this morning." 

I was wondering what she was still doing at the bathroom so I came to her and saw her staring at the mirror.

"Babe are you okay? I put my head on her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking.........about your parents."

I held her hands and kissed them. Every fragments of my past are coming back now, the deeper I get to my memories the more I fear about us. 

"Don't think too much,okay?  I'll take care of it. I promise" I caress her cheek to cheer her up but she doesn't know I was worried about them too.

"Ok babe"

"Let's go"


(Phone Ringing)

Jezz I forgot to call my mom (18 missed calls)

F:  Hi Mom

F Mom: Honey, how are you? you're not answering my calls since yesterday. I was worried sick about you!

F: Mom, calm down, I'm fine, I'm at work right now.

F Mom: (Voice trembling) So...how's your doctor's appointment went?

I'm honestly scared that my parent will know that I have regained my memories. They will try everything to separate us and will put all the blame to Becky. I know how harsh my mom could be.

F: It was okay, Mom can we talk about it over the weekend.

FMom: You'll be going home? We were planning to go and visit you there.

My heart skipped for a moment, no, it can't happen.

F: Mom  NO! (My voice suddenly raised without realizing it)

F Mom: Freen are you okay??

F: Yeahh, Mom, sorry, I just dont want to bother you guys coming all the way here. I'll go home this weekend and lets talk about it.(Deep sigh)

F Mom: Okay, see you on the weekends. Bye.

I'm trembling for a second and relieved after the call. I know Becky and I have to face them, I have to fight for us.


Freen and Becky walking along the shore while holding each others hand.

Freen and Becky walking along the shore while holding each others hand

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B: I'm scared

F: Of what?

B: Your parents, I don't think they can accept us like this.

F: Hey, we're dating for like 3yrs now, don't think too much, we got thru the past years, we'll be okay. Right now let's just enjoy this wonderful relationship we have, okay?

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