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"Be steady babe... How can I paint u properly, if u keep on moving..." 

"Bc I wanna go to the beach now..come on" 

"I'm 80% done.. u have to be patient...." 

"U have painted me like a hundred times now... All of ur painting is me, guess u love me that much ha? Hahaha" 

*Freen then woke up crying 

 Freen POV 

"It was a happy dream...but why do I feel this hurt?

 "Who is....she? I can't barely see her face and hear her voice and yet she made me feel this way" 

 ***Freen called her parents. 

F: Hi mom, Hi dad, how r u guys? 

Mom: We're okay, how r u?

 F: I'll be going there in two days. I'm experiencing headaches recently. I booked an appointment with Doc. Martha. 

Mom: You don't mean to say it's ur... 

F: I don't know Mom, I've spoken to Doc. Martha and she advised me not to stress myself too much. 

Mom: Okay... I'll go with you. 

F: You don't have to Mom, I can do it. I have to work, I'm hanging up. Loveyou mom, dad. Bye

 Mom/Dad: Love you too... 

 Simultaneously happening at the same time at Freen's parents the moment Freen ended the call.

 Freen's Mom shakingly sat down.

 FMom: Honey tell me, what r we gonna do? 

FDad: We can't hide the truth from her, she has the right to know. We have prepared for this moment. 

FMom : I worry that she won't be able to get thru it, she will hate us honey, I can't loose her. (Sobbing) 

FDad: We did what we thought was best for her. Her mind chooses not to remember but her heart...she can't stop it. This time, we'll do nothing, we'll let her heart decides. 


The moment Freen experienced a headache she immediately called Doc. Martha. 

F: Hi Doc. It's been a while, 

Doc: Hi Freen, how r u? 

F: I'm doing great but recently I've been experiencing serious headaches.Doc: Aside from headache r u experiencing other things? 

F: I've been dreaming things recently, and they felt so real. You think it's about... 

Doc: Come to the Hospital this weekend, we'll run some tests. For now don't stress urself too much okay?

 F: Okay Doc, thank you. Bye

 Doc: Bye.


After calling her parents Freen get up from her bed, prepare herself for work. She can't stop thinking of Becky and her dream. 

 Nam: Hi Maam, u called for me. 

Freen: Drop the formality Nam, it's just us. 

Nam: So, u called for me, r we gonna talk about how u ended up here? I was so excited for the food on ur wedding! It pisses me off that it got cancelled like that.. jezzz... 

F: (Death stare) U wish to be thrown to the sea right now? 

Nam: (Bite her mouth down) I'm a complete idiot right now am I? 

F: I wanna ask abt Becky. 

Nam: Why all of a sudden?(Trying to avoid eye contact with freen) 

F: Nothing..just curious

Nam: Curious about what exactly?

 F: How long have she been working here? I'm pretty sure we met before somewhere but I can't remember.

Nam: Ohh that..Uhhh...uhhmmm She's new, it's impossible that u guys knew each other... Hehe (Awkwardly laugh) 

F: Is there something I need to know Nam? We've known each other since we were kids, ur not hiding anything from me right?

Nam: Uhhh... Of course not Freen, what can i hide from u? 

 F: I don't know how i sound right now. I must be insane, I sound so ridiculous. You can leave now, sorry to bother u. 

Nam: That's it? ur not gonna talk abt what happened? abt the wedding? 

F: U really wish to drown today, do u?

Nam: Come on.. I'm just joking.. I'll get back to work ah.. (Hurriedly left Freen's Office)

Nam POV 

" I have to tell Becky, she has to know this! Finally." 

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