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"Becky your mom is coming!"

Freen and Becky were unable to move as they heard someone knocking on the door.

F: What are we gonna do???

B: We have to open it!

Freen nervously opened the door. She was shocked to see Becky's Mom standing in front of the door.

F: A...auntie...(Her voice were trembling)

Becky's Mom: My dear, what took u so long to open, I'm about to pee my pants.

Freen gave way to Becky's mom as she was hurriedly going inside the cubicle. Like she doesn't even care about the two.

Becky was whispering  Freen to exit.

B: Let's leave now, come on.

They were about to leave when Becky's Mom opened her door. 

Becky's Mom: Becky there's a kiss mark on your cheeks, and Freen your lipstick are smudged.

Becky's Mom washing her hands, reach for the hand dryer and said.

Becky's Mom: Both of you relax, do you really think I didn't know about your relationship? I was just waiting for you to tell me and I respected your decision to hide it. 

B: did you find out????

Becky's Mom: How can I not, your smile is up into your ears when you see Freen. And I saw you guys making out in the pool one time.

Freen was burried into her place out of embarrassment.

B: Mom....

Becky's Mom: Freen, I know you will take care of my daughter, you always does. I know how much you love her and make her happy, I'm in no position to meddle in both of you.

F: But I thought, you like Engfa for..

Becky's Mom: I really do like Engfa, she's a really nice kid but I didn't mean I like her for my daughter. Becky can love who she wants, and I'll support her. That's all that I can do for her.

Becky burst out of tears, her happiness is more than words. She hugged her Mom and thanked her.

B: Thank you Mom, i love you.

Becky's Mom: I love you to my baby, okay I'll leave you two okay. And both of you fix your faces.

The dinner ended well, Freen eating with her friends and Becky with Engfa and her Mom.

Becky's House

B: Mom is already sleeping, let's go out. I need to tell you something.

Engfa and Becky went outside, just after Becky closed her entrance door Engfa grabbed her by her waist.

Their bodies were touching each other.

B: P'fa, I.. uhhh 

A soft kiss landed on Becky's lips.

E: Let's date for real, I want to be with you, I want to put this relationship on the next level. Please be my girlfriend. Hmm?

Becky can't even decipher what she heard from Engfa even tho she knows this time will come.

 B: P'fa... I am really lucky to have you in my life, you saved me twice without even thinking of your own risk. You brought my mom home, yoou took care of her in my place. There's no word for the gratitude I felt towards you.

E: I did that because I like you, and when I like someone, I will do everything for her. Just like I did for you.

B: I know, but.... I'm loving someone else, I know saying sorry won't be enough, but I really am sorry.

Becky slowly removed Engfa's arms that were wrapped around her waist.

B: I love her more than anything in this world and I can't afford to cause her any pain. I'm really sorry to have given you false hopes. You can hate me if you want, I'll accept it.

E: I know about you and Freen. From the start I already knew, but still here I am acting like a fool. Pushing myself to you, even tho I know I don't stand a chance. Haha I must be out of my mind (Tears slowly falling down Engfa's cheeks)

E: You know what, I knew that you used me to make her feel jealous, the way you looked at her. All I said to myself was, I like this girl that I can swallow all those things just to be with her. I convinced myself it's okay, I just have to be  a hero for her to like me. Still, I can't change your heart into loving me.

B: P'fa... I'm sorryyy...I used you, after all the good things you did for me, I'm deeply sorry. Please hate me, hurt me, please, I'll accept it. (Grabbed Engfa's hand and slapped her face with it)

E: Stop.. you're hurting me even more.

B: I'll beg for you, (Kneeled on her knees)

E: All these years I thought, I can make you fall inlove with me. The nights we shared, do they even mean anything for you? Or are you just drunk??? Huh??? How can you toy with my feelings for you. You knew from the start that I like you! 

Freen popped out from no where.

F: Night you shared??????

Becky was shocked to see Freen few steps away from them.

B: Freen, wha..what are you doing here?

E: Yes we shared  nights together, we made love. I made her feel loved more than you do! When she's hurting because of you, I was there for her. I was the one holding her hand, keeping her smile while all you do is to hurt her!

F: Made love??? Becky, you loved her???

B: Freen..please, I told you I'll handle this, you don't have to be here.

F: So you can't even say you don't love her, can you? And you shared nights together?

E: You can't take care of her Freen, just admit it. 

B: P'fa stop!!! Both of you stop! I can't listen to any of these anymore.

B: P'fa, you were always there for me, I know how much you love me, but I can't give the love you expect from me, I'm sorryyy 

Becky's tears were flowing nonstop. She hurt both of them, esp Engfa.

E: You hurt me more than you could imagine Becky.

Engfa left Freen and Becky.

B: Babe.. I uhhh..

F: I can't blame you, who am I to even question your decisions right? I was even gonna marry Kirk, I can't imagine how hurt youwere.  

Freen moved closer to Becky and wipe her tears off her face.

F: It's all in the past now,  we can't do anything about it. I promised to never hurt you anymore and I'll keep that. I'm sorry for getting mad earlier, I'm in no position to do that.

Freen held Becky's face and kissed her forehead.

"Now let's make good memories together"

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