Theraphy Starts

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(Sound of a heart beating)
Becky is approaching towards Freen's direction.

B: Babe!!!

Becky walk straight passing Freen...

Freen was ice cold standing, tears are about to burst on the windows of her eyes and tried her best to hold them in and she failed.

She continued walking and her phone rung.

F: Hello(Cracked voice)

Doc Tim: Hi Freen it's me, can we move our schedule an hour earlier today? If its okay?

F: Yes Doc, it's fine I'll meet you in 2 hrs then.

Doc: You sounded sick, you sure you can make it today?

F: Just cold, but Im fine.
Doc: Okay, see you later. Bye

Freen hanged the call and is hesitating to look back. She knew Becky was calling for Engfa and not her. She resisted herself and continue to look straight ahead.

Engfa was shocked of what Becky called her.

E: Babe huh?

B: I'm just messing with you...(looked at Freen waiting for her to look back and she didn't)

Becky POV

Why am I being so desperate, I'm making Engfa confused.
We haven't even talked about our kiss last night. She never opened the topic and I dont want to make her uncomfortable. We're both drunk so I guess that could be a good excuse? Hard to admit but Engfa's such a good kisser.
Her lips were so soft like heaven, I almost got carried away last night and almost forgot my initial plan, to use her.
What if she started liking me?
What am I even thinking????

On Doc Tim's Clinic

Doc Tim: Please sit down.

F: Thank you.

Doc Tim: I heard your case from Doc Martha but can you tell me the whole story.

F: The earliest memory I have was the day I broke up with my ex Kirk and that was 2015 the next I remember was me waking up in a hospital, I couldn't even remember the day of my accident.
I freaked out the moment my parents told me everything.

Doc Tim: Did you asked your parents about what happened during those years that u forgot?

F: I did, they told me its just normal years, and keep on avoiding the topic so I never insisted.

Doc Tim: I see, what you're suffering right now is called dissociative amnesia , those memories you've lost must have brought u so much pain that your brain chooses to forget.

F: Recently I've been seeing things, at first I thought they were just dreams but it turns out to be memories.

Doc Tim: Can u tell me about those specific memories? Was it traumatic?

F: It was...a happy one. There's this girl painting me, we were happy, I was insisting her to go enjoy the beach and she...

Doc Tim: Was it in a romantic way?

F: Yes (Shy) all of them were happy memories

Doc Tim: Was there anything traumatic that had happened during those years you've lost? Even not related to this girl?

F: With the girl nothing, but on the same day of my accident I lost my brother. My mom said I was on my way to the hospital were my brother was brought in and that's when I got into the accident.

Doc Tim: What causes ur bother's death?

F: He was drunk that day, he went up the hill and fell off the cliff. I don't even remember any of those, the day I woke up from a comma I never knew he was gone, I have went thru the pain twice.(Whimpering)

Doc Tim: I'm sorry you have to experience that. Are you sure you're prepared for this? Is that memory even worth a try?

F: I honestly dont know, but there's a part of myself that I aslo wanna remember.

Doc Tim: Okay, lay down here and close your eyes. I will guide you thru, just focus on myvoice and clear your mind.
(Ticks the metronome)

"Relax...close your a count of three we will go back to the day you broke up with Kirk..

(Sound of ticking metronome)


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