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It had been a month of them living at the motel. Jimin had just absolutely given up on everything. He felt so broken and sad. The only thing that kept him going was the thought of having his own pups one day. Now he can't. Jungkook had noticed how badly this affected Jimin. One of Jimin's top priorities was his appearance but that seemed to have gone down the drain. He doesn't do his makeup, doesn't do his hair, doesn't wash his face and he doesn't even shower that much anymore.

That had been a few weeks ago but he had now even stopped taking care of the baby. That was when Jungkook started to worry. He had already been worried about Jimin but knew that this was getting worse when Jimin stopped holding the baby. Most days Jimin didn't even want to look at the baby. He had offered Jimin to use the money for some therapy sessions to help him out. Jimin said no to every single offer. He wouldn't even tell him why he didn't want to.

Jungkook was currently giving Jimin a bath. He was a little confused on why Jimin was suddenly allowing him to touch him. Just a few weeks ago he was terrified to be tapped on the shoulder and now he's comfortable enough to be naked around him. They haven't kissed or cuddled ever since they found out the truth, which was the one thing that Jungkook missed. He could go without sex since he doesn't need to do that all the time but he really missed cuddling with his mochi every night.

"Lift your arms up for me." Kang Ji was sitting on the toilet, watching as his appa washed his mama. It was silent with Jungkook quietly asking Jimin to lift his legs or arms to wash him correctly. The bath was soon finished. Jungkook wrapped Jimin up in a towel before carrying him to the bed. He grabbed the lotion off the nightstand and started to lather it onto Jimin's skin.

Jimin just laid there, looking emotionless. He rarely talked now and never laughed. Jungkook felt horrible about what happened to his mate but couldn't understand the heartbreak that the omega was going through. "Do you want your pink or yellow pajamas?" Jimin looked up and slowly pointed at his favorite pink pajamas. Jungkook nodded and started to get him dressed. A loving kiss was pressed against his forehead which made him sigh.

"Do you want to eat anything?" "No." Kang Ji crawled onto the bed and sat in Jimin's lap. Jimin quickly moved the baby away from his lap before getting under the covers to sleep. The baby started to cry as he felt unloved. Jungkook quickly picked up the baby to calm him down. "It's alright." "Mama nu lub!" "Mama does love you but he doesn't feel good right now." Kang Ji sobbed as he felt hurt. "You wanna go to the park?" He tried to calm the baby down with the promise of going to the park.

"We're gonna go to the park now bub so calm down." He hurriedly got the baby dressed in warm clothes before putting his jacket on. "Say bye to mama." Kang Ji shook his head as he didn't want to say anything. "I'll see you later baby." As soon as the two left, Jimin let out all the sobs he was holding in. He felt terrible for making his baby cry like that but he just can't look at him. Every time he looks at the baby, he just thinks of what happened in order to have him. His wolf felt so hurt when he heard the baby's cries.

Jimin just felt scared. He didn't trust anyone and just felt like giving up. Nothing was going the way he wanted to. The main reason why he wanted to get adopted so badly was to finally find his mate to have a family. He could care less about school since he wanted to be a stay at home omega to take care of his babies. All of his and Jungkook's plans to get a home and have a family were all gone.

They didn't need a house anymore. His dream to be that family living in the white fenced house and sending their kids to private school was gone. He continued to sob while hugging his teddy bear. Life had just gone downhill in a few days.


Jungkook was currently sitting at the empty park with the baby. He was watching as the baby played on the play structure. It was quite cold out so only a few people were out. He sighed as he felt bored. "Appa!" Jungkook quickly ran over when he heard Kang Ji yelling for him. "What's wrong?" The baby was kneeling on the floor which made Jungkook worry. It wasn't until Kang Ji turned around to show his appa what he had in his arms. It was a kitten.

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