A Conflicted Episode

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       Amity's bottom lip curled up. It wasn't that she didn't like Willow, just... Amity had done something that completely ruined their friendship. And to see Willow talking with Luz.. it was, well, a lot. Of course, she saw Willow in brief periods at school, but she never stopped to talk to her anymore. She didn't know how they met, but they were bound to. Amity supposed it didn't bother her... or maybe it did?


Luz, Willow and Gus had become closer. They had lots of fun together, laughing and chatting. Willow and Gus didn't really know the Azura books, but they smiles politely when she obsessed about them. Luz felt a bit guilty because she didn't visit Amity as frequently as she used to, but she was sure Amity would understand. Winter was slowly settling in, and frost dusted the grass and the few remaining fallen leaves, which crunched under the trio's boots as they walked. Along the path, Luz spotted Amity, reading on a bench. She yelled her name, waving enthusiastically, but the princess didn't even glance at her. Luz frowned, but didn't think much of it. Perhaps she's really wrapped up in her book... but she still felt a bit uneasy.


Alright. Amity supposed she had to admit it.. her jealousy had gotten the best of her, and she was being passive-aggressive. She felt sort of guilty, but... she couldn't help it. Luz seemed to be enjoying her other friends' company so much more than Amity's own, and that make her upset. She wasn't a great feelings person—taking about them or dealing with them. Luz had been that person for her.. but now, Amity was ignoring her.


Enough is enough, Luz decided. She was going to visit Amity and show her that she still liked her just the same. A determined look plastered on her face, she started off toward the castle.

"Amity!!" The princess' head jerked up. "LUZ?!" She looked frantic. Why? Luz skipped over to Amity, eyes wide, arms flailing. "I missed you!" She rushed foreword, intending to squeeze Amity in a tight hug, but she avoided her. "A..amity? What's going on? Did I do something wrong...?"


      The princess froze. Luz looked so... sad. What had she done? Luz had never looked so upset before. "Luz—I'm so sorry—huh?" Suddenly, she saw a shadowy figure. Like the villain of a movie, her mother was approaching. She was home already?! "LUZ!! I'm sorry, you have to go. Here's my number—!" She scribbled on a paper and then thrusted it at Luz—"I'll text you. But please, GO!! You'll be in so much trouble if you stay any longer!"


      Luz was utterly confused. First, Amity had looked apologetic, and then... absolute terror had spread across her face. What could she possibly be so afraid of? No matter. Luz sped off toward her house, murmured a greeting to her mom, and flopped onto her bed. She typed Amity's number into her phone, and began rapidly touching the keys:

Luz: amity?
Luz: amity are you okay
Luz: if you don't answer i'm going to assume you were eaten by a dragon
Amity: Luz?
Luz: what happened earlier? 🥺😣😭
Amity: Luz.. that is... an excessive amount of emojis.
Luz: you're one to talk miss perfect grammar
Luz: but seriously
Luz: what the hex happened?
Amity: Well..
Amity:  It's a long story.
Luz: i literally have nothing to do
Amity: Okay.
Amity: My mother has actually been trying to find me a partner for quite some time, but I haven't really been, well, attracted to them. My mother just wants me to marry someone royal to continue the bloodline, but I feel much too young, and plus, I want to marry for love.. when I'M ready. But my mother wants me to spend all my time looking for marriage or focusing on my studies. If she saw me with you, she'd be furious. So I'm sorry I pushed you away. I thought you had other friends—Willow and Gus—and you didn't need me. I'm really sorry.
Luz: your mom sounds like a jerk
Amity: LUZ!!
Luz: ...i didn't know you felt that way
Luz: i'm sorry too
Luz: i'll be more careful
Amity: ..Thank you, Luz.
Luz: no prob
Luz: you should totally hang out with gus and willow and me one time 🙂
Amity: NO!!
Amity: I mean....
Amity: I'd rather not.
Amity: As I said, I'm rather busy, and I don't want my mom to find out.
Luz: oh 😕
Luz: okay
Luz: wait why do you risk it to hang out with me
[Read 6:23 p.m.]

      Amity had left her on read. But why? Willow was so sweet and strong and Gus was so funny and smart.. how could she possibly have any problems with them? Unless... there was something that Luz didn't know?


      Amity felt guilty for not answering Luz's message, but if she told Luz about her past with Willow... she wasn't sure how she'd react. The princess still felt guilty about it to this day. Luz was so energetic, and spunky, and beautiful.. and Amity just couldn't mess up their friendship. It was too hard.


A/N: Hi, everyone! I'm SO sorry this took so long. I'm struggling with a bit of writer's block... but I'm surviving on a few ideas, and you'll have another chapter very soon. Also, I've gotten extremely interested in other ships as well (Seamoon and Flutterdash mostly) so you can definitely expect a book on those when I get closer to finishing up this one. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have an amazing day/night!!

Final word count: 945

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