A Meeting in the Market

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      A girl stepped out of her house, bidding her fathers farewell. "Bye Dad! Bye, Papa! I'll be back soon!" Then, she set off towards the market. She planned to get basic necessities from entrepreneurs with their little stands: food, blankets, and some new fertilizer for her plants. Her dad had snuck her a couple extra bucks, and she was so grateful. Her little books gently touched the smooth cobblestone as she set off to the first hopeful businessperson. 

      "Hello, may I interest you in some fresh fruit?" The girl smiled. "You most certainly may!" The person's face brightened as the girl selected a few apples and a couple bananas. Their smile grew even larger as the girl handed them a couple bills and said "Keep the change!" starting towards the next stand. Throughout her journey, she collected two small wool blankets, more fresh food, and that fertilizer she'd been looking for (it had turned out to be quite cheap!). As she kept navigating her way through the bustling walkway, she encountered another, strange-looking stand. It appeared to be a kooky, older woman trying to convince passerbyers that the items she was selling were magic. Even stranger, next to her was a strange, canine-like creature. Is that a dog..? The girl pondered. Curious, she approached the stand.

      "Um.. hi--" she started, but was cut off. "Helloooooo, potential customer!" the woman shrieked, with a glint in her eyes, not unlike an owls'. "Uh--" the girl tried again. "May I present to you one of my finest items--" she pulled out a flowerpot. The girl's eyes widened as she tried to determine was kind it was. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen! "Woah.." she couldn't help but utter. The woman seemed to have sharp ears, because she'd heard the girl's whisper. "'Woah,' indeed! And it can be yours for just five snails--I mean, dollars!" Hm, the girl pondered. Well, the fertilizer costed less then I'd expected it to, and I have some left over.. plus, this plant so peculiar! There's no way I'd ever see anything even close to it ever again! Without a second thought, she slapped the money on the counter. "Okay!" The woman seemed to do an inward victory dance before handing over the plant. "Alright, here you go! And remember the name of the person who gave you this--Eda the Owl Lady!!" "Owl Lady?" the girl questioned, but then the woman seemed to disappear! She was completely out of sight. "What--" suddenly, someone crashed into her!

      "WAHH!" the person exclaimed, toppling onto the stony ground. They quickly scrambled to their feet, looked at the girl, and smiled. "Sorry! I didn't see you. What's your name? I'm Luz Noceda!" she stuck out her hand before the girl could even think of a response. The girl tentatively took her hand and shook it gently. "Oh, hi--I'm Willow... Willow Park."


          Well, that was lovely. Out of nowhere, Luz had made a new friend, and all it took was not paying any attention to her surroundings! She was really starting to like this place. She and that other girl--Willow--had chatted for a bit at the market. In that short time, Luz learned that Willow live with her dad and papa in a house not unlike her own. She was super into gardening and new how to tend for many different species of plant. Also, she was scared of ladybugs for some reason.. somehow, as they were chatting, the sky was painted a dusty pink hue. "Oh! My dads will be expecting me!" Willow realized. She then promised to talk to Luz as soon as she could, and also introduce her to another friend--Gus Porter. Luz smiled at the promise of another encounter, and wished her friend a good evening. With that, they both turned in opposite directions and set off towards their homes.

      Later, when Luz arrived at her house, she didn't hesitate to tell her mother everything about her meeting with Willow. Her mother looked on with interest; Luz seemed so happy about this new friend, so of course, she was happy too. They had a lovely, cheerful evening meal and only when it was time to sleep did they stop discussing Willow. When Luz headed up for bed, she realized she had been grinning for so long that it was starting to hurt.


      Willow was also very satisfied with the day, meeting Luz and getting that strange new plant. Her fathers were very in-tune with all that their daughter had to say, and Willow realized how grateful she was for them. The three of them talked through the evening, and played a couple games, until night fell upon them. Rain started to trickle, gently pelting the window. Willow kissed her dads goodnight and went upstairs to rest.


      A few days passed. Luz woke up to buttery yellow sunlight flowing softly through the windows and on to her bedroom walls. Her eyes popped open and she grinned. Today, she was to see Willow again.. and be introduced to Gus! She practically bounced out of bed, dressed herself, and bounded down the stairs. She was sure the coming day would be absolutely fantastic! She was so eager, she almost forgot to tell her mom where she was going. "¡Oh! ¡Mamá, voy a ver a Willow y conocer a Gus!"

(Translation: Oh! Mom, I'm heading to see Willow and meet Gus!)

      "Ah, yes. Have fun!" Camila smiled. She wasn't surprised. She had  been constantly hearing about Luz, Gus and Willow's arrangement ever since Luz and Willow had set it up. As soon as Luz had permission from her mother, she bolted out the doorway, clearly estatic.


      Amity had been reading by the window for about the last hour. She was really getting into her book. She wouldn't have looked up if it weren't for the birds chirping loudly outside. She looked up for a moment, into the trees, and was glad she did. She smiled, looking at Luz, chattering about... something. But to who? The princess was suddenly curious. She stood up and looked further out the window, and a small gasp escaped her lips. Luz was talking to... Willow?

(Final word count: 1,029)      

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