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      Amity really liked to draw, when she had the time for it. Not only because there was so much to draw and it was a good way to flex your creativity, but also because it was a test of precision and detail. Amity liked the challenge.

      She was particularly focused on realistic features, closing in on the sharpness of corners and depth of highlights. Specifically eyes. Whenever the princess went out (which was a lot; her mom was very social to her loyal subjects) she would always look at the eyes of people and try to replicate them on paper later. The tricky part--besides drawing, of course--was trying to get a good look at the villagers' eyes without making direct contact. She didn't want to seem creepy by staring and--even worse--she did NOT want to have to start a conversation.

      Today, Amity had some free time, so she was thinking about the eyes she could remember and trying to draw them. The only problem was, she couldn't get her mind off of a specific set of eyes: Luz's. They were the perfect shade of brown--somewhere between caramel and hazelnut--and they were so wide, with fluttery lashes. Plus, they twinkled when she was excited, which was a lot. You could see things in peoples' eyes, if you learned to look. And Luz's were filled with passion and wonder...

      Again?? Amity snapped back to reality. During her free time, she used to draw or read or study, but now she was distracted. Every waking hour, her mind would absently drift to Luz. Amity was getting sick of it. How could I be so obnoxious? I need to focus on my priorities. Except... in the back of her mind, Amity had this feeling that Luz was a priority. What? Luz was Amity's friend.. but Amity didn't feel this way about Boscha or Skara or Amelia or Cat or Bo.. the only other person she had felt this close to was.. Willow. Willow had been Amity's friend. They could laugh together and share secrets. Willow was trustworthy and promised to stay by Amity's side. Willow was special. Amity had been cowardly to follow her parents' will.

      Amity sighed, blinking back tears and pushing those thoughts away. But she knew they'd come back... just like her thoughts about Luz. Then, Amity realized something. Why hadn't she seen it before? Willow and Luz had things in common. They were dependent, kind, strong.. amazing friends.. but was Luz just a friend to Amity anymore? Of course not! Amity realized. I've been so stupid! Just because I haven't been before doesn't mean I can't realize that.. I'm in love! She wanted to squeal, to jump up and down to her heart's content.. but then she stopped. She came back to earth. Just because I've realized I love Luz doesn't mean she'll ever love me. Amity frowned, knowing that labeling her feelings wouldn't make anything better. Then, she realized something else.. she was a princess. She had to wed someone of royal blood. Even if she somehow managed to confess to Luz and the slim chance of Luz feeling the same came true, she would still be under the rule of her mother. There was no way they could ever be together. It was too good to be true..


      Luz loved to draw. She had always, even when she was little. She started to make much more art when she began reading The Good Witch Azura, and discovered the concept of fanart. Fanart. Luz smiled. She had been so happy to draw her favorite characters and places in the series. In fact, she still did that up to this very day. Some things never changed.

      Occasionally, Luz's mother would peek at her drawings and tell her how much she'd improved. Luz loved her mom; no matter how busy she was, she always seemed to make time for Luz. So Luz did her chores when she was asked, and frequently drew things for her. Today, she was drawing for someone.. but that someone wasn't her mother, like usual. Today, she was making art for her friend. Amity.


      Hours later, Amity was sitting outside. She had to be careful, of course, not to get mud or grass on her clothes. Her mother hated when things got dirty. 

      Sometimes, when she was little, Amity would wonder why she constantly obeyed her parents. Their demands could be so annoying, and what was the harm of disobeying them every once in a while, if it was right? But Amity didn't think things like that anymore. She didn't want to know what would happen if she didn't do what her parents said. 

       The princess' thoughts were quickly interrupted by sounds of footfalls on the dry leaves and soft panting. The footsteps grew closer. Amity looked up to see.. Luz. 

      "H-hi," Luz started, clearly still catching her breath. "Did you run all the way here?" Amity queried with a smirk. "Yeah.." Luz replied, a little more at ease. "What're you up to?" Amity began, immediately realizing that it sounded stupid. But Luz didn't seem to notice. "I came to bring you.. a gift." With that, she produced a piece of paper, handing it to the princess. Their thumbs brushed, causing red to spread all over Amity's cheeks. She slowly inhaled, then exhaled, and looked down at the paper. Azura and Hecate were centered, surrounded by flowers and rainbows. It was a cute but silly gesture, and Amity loved it. "This must've taken you hours!" "Oh, it's just a sketch.." Luz replied sheepishly, but Amity could tell by the look on her face that it had, indeed, taken quite some time. "I love it," the princess said, and then she hugged Luz. The embrace was fairly quick, but Luz's arms were warm, and Amity's face flushed. "I-I have to, um, g-go--" with that, she grasped the drawing and hurried back to the castle.


       A rosy pink dusted Luz's cheeks as she stared after Amity, running back to her palace. She had planned to call after her, but no sound came out. She could only think about Amity's strong, soft arms clasping her back. And she had told Luz she'd loved the drawing. Loved it. Luz wasn't exactly sure why, but those words had meant the world to her.

Final word count: 1,054

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