Part 18 Iordans

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Chapter note. the first 3 chapters have introduced you to the Three. Each faction is controlled, to a degree, by a real life person so decisions have to be made.

Hidden consequences.

Ehmets decisions to march through Greenvale still has consequences and still changes the course of this story.


Ehmet had to decide if to take the Duchess winter by force or not. 

Terrill had to consider changing the Duchess Winters journey home or not.

Read on to see what they have decided.

Olivia Henderson had ridden out as soon as the Crown Prince had returned to his chosen house and estate in Greenvale. Her duty was to catch up with the Duchess and her Iordan escort. She had readied herself in short order, as would be expected from a professional Valet and former solider. She had been mounted and ready as quickly as she could  when she had realised that she would represent her Prince and be accompanied by Flux and her troop. 

Flux, the most renowned tracker and troop that served would be sent out to find the Duchess Winter and Olivia would be with them. Riding out with them was an honour and she had done everything she could so they would not find themselves waiting for her. Now after just a few hours of following Flux it was clear she would never be ready to ride with them, no one could be, they would always be waiting for others who tried to match them. Flux and her troop never seemed to rest or sleep they were always ready. Olivia had expected the ride to be a dash to catch the Duchess, riding with the troop, but instead it was a steady trot with a rotating hand full of the troop, with Flux and herself seemingly at the centre of a wide formation with most of the riders out of sight. They travelled that way heedless of roads, winding their way across the countryside, only using the roads when it was part of their route not the road dictating their path. Any worry of not being able to catch up with the Duchess soon was replaced with an increasing impatience to reach her.

Olivia guided her horse through the last few trees before they gave way to a narrow road where Flux had joined two of her troop. Olivia stopped by her and looked out beyond the road where fields dropped away to a stream. Just off to the right there was a ford and beyond that, as the land climbed again through fields and on up to where the small road cut through the trees there was a neat line of foot soldiers carrying shields and long spears with a small escort of cavalry at the front and rear hurrying along under the banner of Iordan. The day was bright and it was easy to see that the Duchess rode a fine stallion at the front of the column, it was clear although she was being escorted and she had only a loyal few with her, that she had made her self part of the command of the small but capable force. 

Olivia noticed that Flux was looking to her for orders although it was also clear she did not need any.

"Make them aware we are here Commander Flux and that we will remain as their shadow unless the Duchess agrees to talk"

Flux nodded turned to her nearest trooper and using her unique sign language sent them off before Flux herself rode with purpose along the road that lead to the Iordan escort. It was obvious to Olivia without receiving any instruction or sign that she was to remain with the last remaining trooper and they showed no sign of expecting her to move, such was the reputation and physical presence of the strange anomaly that was the Crown Princes most trusted Agent.

Flux rode slowly in to view and then waited just a moment until she was seen by the rear most riders. Just one of her troop was with her. When they were seen the Iordan force reacted in reasonable order to the sighting of Flux who's unorthodox uniform still showed her loyalty through its colours. The order of the Iordan escort was not so well maintained when individual members of Flux's troop then appeared just out of range all around them. Flux waited as order was gained again by irritated officers calling their commands. Soon Iordan had come back to their rear, close behind rode Duchess Winters.

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