"Is it love?" (2)

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The students poured into the large class hall as the lecture was about to start. Bani, Omkara,Rudra,Gauri and Bhavya settled inside, almost in the last row while Bani kept looking outside the class as Veer was still not up.

"He will come girl !" She heard Gauri's faint whisper and nodded her head, still not entirely convinced. That's when Veer rushed inside the class in full speed and Bani instantly screamed his name.


Veer smiled happily and made a rush to Bani who pushed the rest four to make space for Veer to sit. Veer chuckled seeing the suffocated faces of Om, Rudy, gauri and Bhavya as he settled near Bani. The very moment he unburdened the bag off his shoulder, the professor entered and all the pupils stood up to greet him.

"Where were you..huh ?!" Bani asked once everyone settled with her eyebrows raised.

"Got stuck with Adaa.." he said with a shrug and pulled out the galaxy bar from his pocket. "Here you go!" He passed the packet with a wink and Bani squinted her eyes.

"She gave you?" Bani whispered and veer nodded.

"Hmm...Rudy, Om, Gauri, bhavs listen na .... See special chocolate for special boy... " Bani instantly turned to her gang mates and ignited the fire of teasing.

"Haa..Bani.. something is going on right?" Rudy and Om backed her while Gauri and Bhavya couldn't help but chuckle at the silly trio who was deep indulged in teasing veer.

"Last row...!"

Their increased murmers came to a complete hault as the professor roared through the Mike and the 6 of them stood up with stupid grins plastered on their faces.

"Out! All six of you" The professor roared in fury.

"Sir.." Veer tried reasoning but the professor was in no mood to listen to anyone. Bani rolled her eyes at the innocent good boy standing near him before dragging him out of the class followed by the rest of the four.

"Aani yaar.... Attendance" Veer whined as soon as they stepped out of the class and Bani sighed before wrapping her arm around veer's.

"Uffooo Veeru... We will manage na..ye sab chod... Guys today there is a music show in the auditorium and you guys know what..." Bani consoled Veer and immediately shifted the topic to what they should do now.

"What?" Veer raised his eyebrows while rest shrugged in confusion.

"Zain is leading the show.." she said.

"Ooh..haa one more thing... He got 1st in the university music fest last week yaar..." Rudy interfered and said, dramatically.

"Then we must give a visit right... We all should know na, what is there in his music to the extend that he got 1st prize" Bani said and the rest nodded their heads before rushing to the main hall, where the program was conducted.

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