"Is it love ?" (3)

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Next day, Veer and Bani reached the college at their usual time, caught up with their gang and was about to enter the class but haulted when they heard huge laughter from their side.

"I guess it's Adaa" Bani chuckled, whispering to Rudra and Veer glared her, hearing that.

"Aww... Veeru..." Bani made a sorry face and teased Veer. Veer shook his head and pulled her with him to look what was happening, followed by the rest. And as expected, it was Adaa who was awkwardly collecting up the scattered things from the floor. she spotted Veer and closed her eyes in slightly pouring-in-embarassment. The absent-mindedness of the girl was something which the whole college knew and found funny.

"hey are you fine..?" Veer immediately helped her collect the things and Adaa smiled looking at Veer, who was serioulsy collecting the things from the floor. Bani too got into action as she can't stand without helping her veeru. Adaa sighed seeing that. She often wondered whether they were friends only and if yes then why wasn't she able to form such a bond with veer?

"Oh my girl... look and walk naa..." Bani made a tired face and said dramatically. Veer chuckled seeing her drama and passed the collected items to Adaa.

"haa bani...and Thank you Veer" she said with a small smile and veer nodded his head.

"and yeah...Adaa be careful please" veer said being concerned. It was a quality he developed over these years. He respected women with all his might and had consideration for all. afterall, he had three ladies in his life, without whom he could'nt even take a breath ; chandrakala, Anjali and Bani.

"so no thanks for me...?" Bani narrowed her eyes and looked at Adaa.

"huh?" She looked at bani totally taken aback.

"Hmm... only thanks to him.. ? I also helped you naa..." Bani bit her lips to prevent laughing out loud seeing the flustered face of Adaa. Veer shook his head in disbelief and pinched Bani, secretly.

"hawww... see this boy is pinching me for you..." Bani immediately screamed while Veer face palmed himself in utter irritation and Om, Rudy , gauri and bhavya broke drown into laughters. Adaa simply looked down with a shy smile.

"Aani...come.." veer tried pulling away her with him but Bani looked at him with a smirk. And simply walked away with fake attitude taking om and rudy with her. Gauri and Bhavya followed. Veer rolled his eyes and was about to follow them but stopped when Adaa called him. The students had already dispersed and only Adaa and Veer was left.

Adaa looked around and then handed him a costly pen with a smile and veer looked at her confused. "I saw this and somehow wanted to give it to you...that's it..so please keep it" she cleared the air and veer looked at her as if she have gone nuts. but still he took the pen from her with a shrug , not wanting to offend her. he was about to walk away but again was stopped by adaa.

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