"Is it love?!" (10)

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What if someone pours lava over our heart? It burns, right?! Just like how painful that situation might be, the double amount of Pain was what Veer experienced when Bani narrated about Zain's proposal

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What if someone pours lava over our heart? It burns, right?! Just like how painful that situation might be, the double amount of Pain was what Veer experienced when Bani narrated about Zain's proposal.

The shy smile and positive response she gave while saying it added to his sorrow and Veer badly wanted to cry out loud. Why not? He recently had realised his love for the girl he lived, laughed and enjoyed with and when the same girl is sitting opposite to him describing about another proposal which she got, it hurts!

But Veer being back to his mature, understanding self shook his head hardly, to pull himself out of the sudden shock and gently pulled Bani's palms which were hiding her face.

"Proposed you, what does that mean Aani?" Veer asked to get a clean idea rather than making assumptions and Sulking based on them. Bani smiled and Looked at Veer with a nod.

"Remember, Veeru I had a dinner with him na, on our birthday? That day he proposed me.. he said that he loved me for a long period now and somehow collected the needed courage to say that to me on that day!" Bani explained the whole happening and Veer gulped down his uneasiness.

"Aani, you are still studying na-" Veer was cut in the middle by Bani's words.

"I really want to give him a chance. Veeru, he is so good. Just talk to him and you can feel Zain's warmth. He is genuinely a good soul" Bani said reminiscing the time she spent with Zain over these days and Veer clearly was able to see an excitement and appreciation in her eyes.

"Arey veeru, say na.. should I say yes? You know right, I will say whatever you are gonna say. If you don't want me to go ahead with this, I will drop it here, now!" Bani said as she wrapped her hands around Veer and rested her head on his shoulder.

Veer closed his eyes and released a deep breath. The blushing face and happy smile of Bani, when she said about the proposal flashed infront his eyes. Her happiness mattered right? If she wanted to give him, "them" a chance then why would he oppose ?

All veer wanted was to have Bani happy and smiling. Not anything more than that! He opened his eyes and broke out from the tight hug of Bani and cupped her face. He looked deep into her enchanting magical orbs and smiled.

"You know Aani, if you are sure about it, you can... You know right, your Veeru will always be by your side. No matter what happens." He said gently and Bani happily nodded.

Veer smiled sadly as he looked at the happy face of Bani and her building bubbles of excitement. Afterall, it was the first ever proposal she got. Veer knew Bani was the centre of attraction of the college and many feared to approach her due to her slight tomboy and straight forward behaviour. Even he was late to decipher his feelings but Zain did! He identified his feelings and also showed courage to inform her about the same.

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