"Is it love?!" (13)

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Knock.. knock

Vardhan stood in front of Bani's room, in a casual pastel blue shirt and Black jeans, all ready. From the morning, the moment he heard Anjali's concern he was silently desperate to see his daughter and to have a word with her. Yes, it was true that he extinguished Anjali's fire of concerns by acting up so casually and non- worried but somewhere he wanted to see if Bani and Veer really had such a change as Anjali mentioned.

"Pappa?" Bani opened the door and Vardhan smiled looking at her. She raised her eyebrows looking at Vardhan's wierd smile.

"What happened?" Bani asked and Vardhan immediately nodded a No.

"Aren't you ready yet, Aani?" He asked and Bani grinned nodding a No.

"I am not sure what to wear, pappa... " She said with a pout and Vardhan couldn't stop himself from laughing at the sad pout his daughter was making. He shook his head and entered the room pulling Bani with him but froze to his place, with an open mouth as soon as he entered the room.

"A cyclone struck? When?" He asked dramatically, rolling his eyes over the room and the bunches of cloths dumped here and there. An after effect of Bani's search!

"Pappa! Don't be typical okay..? I said na, I was searching for my dress..." Bani said fully irritated and Vardhan laughed, gently cupping her face.

"Acha... Calm down... I will help you baba!" He said with a chuckle and Bani smiled, feeling the relief that surged through her annoyed nerves.

Vardhan skimmed skillfully through the pile of clothes which was on the floor and slowly picked up a set on the bed. He one by one picked it up and calmly analysed them and folded it back perfectly, if he was not very fond of it while Bani slumped lazily onto the bed watching her father do the job and  kept commenting on each and every thing possible, just to irritate Vardhan.

And finally after an hour, Vardhan sighed looking at the clean cupboard and pulled out a white acoba top and a blue baggy jeans and Bani rolled her eyes.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed rather annoyed and Vardhan grinned looking at her.

"What? Look how gorgeous this is.. Am not saying this because I bought this, No" he stated a bit confidently and Bani sighed.

"My princess looks so beautiful in this, trust me!" Vardhan said Bani shook her head with a small smile playing on her lips. She stood up and grabbed the dress from Vardhan and was about to go for changing and that's when Vardhan stopped her by a soft clutch on her wrist.

"You and Veer are okay na, Aani...?" He asked and Bani frowned, turning back, wondering how Vardhan noticed it.

"Yes pappa...! But something was there and I really hope.. I have resolved the matter as of now..." She smiled assuringly and Vardhan nodded his head with a proud smile.

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