"Is it love ?" (5)

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"1...2...3... Go !" Bani whispered happily as she dialled veer's number, sitting with crossed legs, in her room, clutching a cushion in her arms as the time struck 12:00 in the midnight. It was their birthday!!

Veer who was impatiently waiting, answered the video call in the first ring itself. He knew bani will call and so waited, not wanting to collide the calls and hence delay their wishes.

"Happy birthday Veeru"
"Happy Birthday Aani"

Both Veer and Bani screamed as soon as the calls got connected and chuckled immediately.

"Finally...!" Bani mumbled and Veer smiled. At the same time Bani's room bell rang and she frowned.

"Who is it at this hour..? Should I open Veeru..?" She doubtfully gazed the door and asked Veer.

"Hmm.... I appreciate your fear but you can do it today..." Veer said Letting out a chuckle and Bani's eyes widened.

"You must not open it any other days..." Veer said loudly as Bani ran to open the door, plunging the phone onto the bed, finally deciphering what the midnight bell meant.

Bani pulled the door open and gasped seeing a delivery man there, clutching a large bouquet of red, rose, pink and peach roses along with deep green leaves and small white flowers stacked in between.

Bani pulled the door open and gasped seeing a delivery man there, clutching a large bouquet of red, rose, pink and peach roses along with deep green leaves and small white flowers stacked in between

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Bani flashed the delivery boy a huge smile and took the bouquet from him. He smiled Back and passed another box which was a neatly packed velvet box. She took it too and closed door with a confused smile.

"Veeru..." Bani called, getting back to the bed and taking the phone in her palm. "Thank youuu ....!! And what's in the box...?" She asked as she tucked on the lock that held the box closed.

"Open it...!" He smiled and Bani nodded. She opened the box and shot open her mouth wide seeing a bracelet which was adorned with small golden crescent moons and triangular shapes. It had a ring like extension and could be categorised as both ring and a bracelet. Bani took it in her hands softly and caressed it as veer kept closely observing the number of emotions and happiness that flew through Bani's face at the moment.

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