chapter 8

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I couldn't concentrate all lesson. Something had put me in a really bad mood, and I think it was something Lewis had said!

As soon as the bell rang I grabbed my stuffed and left the room. I ambled towards the art room, I wasn't in the mood for sitting outside in the cold all break! Also I needed some portrait practice. My portraits were terrible at the moment! I text Rosie, Auburn and Louis telling them where I was and that I'd see them in English. As usual Auburn text straight back:

Auburn- Okay, see you at lunch x :)

Then I got a reply from Louis:

Have fun! Save me a seat in English! ;)

Finally Rosie replied, just as I walked down the corridor towards the art room:

Any particular reason you're in art?! ;) x

'What?! x'

I replied before slipping my phone into my blazer and walking into the art room.


I skipped down the stairs to the art room and sat in the corner with my book open. I had a book full of pictures of people who were at the school years ago. I flicked through the book looking for anyone that caught my eye. If I was going to do a portrait of a random person they should at least have a decent face! I stopped on a page with a large picture of a blonde girl, about my age, with blue eyes and a flashy grin. She was extremely pretty! I guess she would do!

I took out my pencils and started sketching the outline of her face, I glanced at the caption underneath the picture.

'Elizabeth Deyes 1991'

I recognised the name, but I had no idea where from.

I carried on the drawing for a few minutes before taking a very short break. I grabbed an apple from my bag and sat admiring the photo and my work. I guess it already showed quite a resemblance! 'Elizabeth' seemed to be quite photogenic, there were several other pictures where she was flashing that same dazzling grin at the camera, it was the type of smile that completely filled someone's face with happiness,. She smiled with her eyes. There was something about her face..

I lost the train of thought when somebody came into the room. I spun around on my stool. Suddenly it hit me. It was Summer!

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